Règlement du jeu-concours Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI) n°419232 Lot principal gagné : 1 montre Longines (1 000 €).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

1. Introduction
1.1. The competition ("Quiz") will open for entries at 12 am (CEST) on Wednesday 2 June 2021 and will close at 11.59 pm (CEST) on Sunday 31 October 2021 (“Closing Date”). Entries received after the Closing Date will not be accepted.
1.2 The Quiz is only available in English.
1.3. The organiser of the Quiz is the Fédération Equestre Internationale, HM King Hussein I Building, Chemin de la Joliette 8, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland (“Promoter”). If you have any queries regarding the Quiz please contact the Promoter at: questions.fantasy@fei.org or by using the in-game contact platform. Queries will only be answered in English.
2. Entry details
2.1. Any person who enters the Quiz shall be referred to as “Participant”. This Quiz is open to all persons, regardless of age, subject to the following limitation:
2.1.1. Participants under the age of 18 on the Closing Date must have a parent or legal guardian’s permission to enter; and
2.1.2. The following may enter the Quiz but will not be eligible to win a prize:
i. the Promoter, athletes and any members of their teams participating in an FEI Jumping Nations Cup™ legs or Final, FEI Jumping World Cup™ legs or Final, FEI World Equestrian Games™ in Jumping, FEI Jumping European Championship, FEI Jumping World Championship (“Athlete and Team”), the organising committee of the FEI Jumping Nations Cup™ legs or Final, FEI Jumping World Cup™ legs or Final, FEI World Equestrian Games™ in Jumping, FEI Jumping European Championship, FEI Jumping World Championship (“OC”), the National Federation (“NF”) of the Team; and
ii. any of the Promoter’s, the Athlete’s and Team, the NF or the OC’s employees, associated companies and agencies, their immediate family members or anyone else involved in the organisation or administration of the Quiz may enter the Quiz; and
2.1.3. The Promoter reserves the right to verify the validity of any entry and/or Participant’s identity and address and to disqualify any Participant who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these Terms and Conditions or who tampers with the Quiz process. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
2.2. To enter the Quiz, sign in or register at http://fantasy.fei.org/ and follow the instructions for entry. Each Participant may only enter the Quiz once. No entry fee is required.
3. Prizes and Judging
3.1. This Quiz will be held according to the following format and rules:
 Once in a calendar week (from Monday 0.01am (CEST) to Sunday 11.59pm (CEST), each Participant can take a Quiz session (“Session”) of 10 questions (“Question”). There is a total of 22 Sessions over the course of the Quiz.
 Each Question is to be answered against the clock. Participants are given 3 seconds to read a Question and 10 additional seconds to answer.
 Multiple possible answers (“Answer”) are made available to the Participant to pick from.
 To earn points, a Participant must select the correct Answer before the allotted time is up. Selecting a wrong Answer does not score points.
 The chosen Answer is selected on a single click and automatically validated. There is no way to change selected Answer afterwards.
 Questions and Answers can be in the written form, pictures or a mix of both.
 The maximum point a Participant can score for a single Question is 100. The longer a Participant takes to correctly answer a Question, the less point he well be rewarded with.
 From Session 3 onwards, Participants can unlock 2 bonus questions against credits provided their credits balance matches the unlocking criteria.
 Additional credits can be earned by connecting each Monday and spinning the credits wheel, which attributes credits randomly.
 Additional credits can be earned by inviting new players to enter the Quiz using a personal referral link. Up to 5 referrals are taken into account for earning credits.
For the Monthly Rankings, the score of each Session attributed to a given Monthly Ranking accumulates overs the weeks. For the Final Ranking, the score of each Session accumulates over the weeks.
3.2. There are multiple rankings:
(a) Monthly Rankings
There will be 5 (five) Monthly Ranking:
 Session 1 to Session 5 (from 2 June 2021 to 4 July 2021)
 Session 6 to Session 9 (from 5 July 2021 to 1 August 2021)
 Session 10 to Session 13 (from 2 August 2021 to 29 August 2021)
 Session 14 to Session 18 (from 30 August 2021 to 3 October 2021)
 Session 19 to Session 22 (from 4 October 2021 to 31 October 2021)
The 5 (five) Participants who have scored the highest number of points over the period taken into account for a Monthly Ranking in accordance with the rules will win a prize ("Monthly Quiz Prizes”).
(b) Final Ranking
Following the conclusion of the Quiz and all Sessions, the 20 (twenty) Participants who have scored the highest number of points over the course of the entire Quiz in accordance with the rules will win a prize ("Final Ranking Quiz Prizes").
3.3. There are multiple prizes in total:
(a) Monthly Quiz Prizes, for the best 5 (five) Participants in each of the Monthly Rankings:
 For 1st place: a 1 (one) year ClipMyHorse,TV / FEI.TV pass,
 For 2nd place: a 6 (six) month ClipMyHorse,TV / FEI.TV pass,
 For 3rd to 5th place: a 3 (three) month ClipMyHorse,TV / FEI.TV pass.
(b) Final Ranking Quiz Prizes for the best 20 (twenty) Participants over the course of the Quiz:
 For 1st place: 1 (one) Longines Timepiece
 For 2nd place: 1 (one) Horse Pilot sweatshirt and a 2 (two) year ClipMyHorse,TV / FEI.TV pass,
 For 3rd place: a 2 (two) year ClipMyHorse,TV / FEI.TV pass,
 For 4th and 5th place: 1 (one) Goody Bag Prize Version A that would include 1 (one) FEI bottle and 1 (one) FEI cap,
 For 6th to 10th places: 1 (one) Goody Bag Prize Version B that would include (one) FEI Cap and 1 (one) FEI key holder),
 For 11th to 20th places: 1 (one) FEI key holder.
(c) Session Draw:
In addition, after each Session, a 3 (three) month ClipMyHorse.TV / FEI.TV pass will be awarded to 2 (two) Participants picked at random. To be eligible for the Session Draw, a Participant must have entered the given Session. Participants can only be drawn one time per Session. Participants who win on one of the Monthly Quiz Prizes as described in 3.3(a) are excluded from any subsequent draw.
3.4. In case of a tie between 2 (two) or more Participants for any of the Monthly Quiz Prizes or Final Ranking Quiz Prizes as described in 3.3.(a) and 3.3(b), the tie-breakers as defined in the Quiz rules and available on http://fantasy.fei.org/ apply.
3.5. The winners will be contacted directly by the Promoter and given details of how to claim their prize. Reasonable efforts will be made to contact each winner however if a winner for any of the Monthly Quiz Prizes or Final Ranking Quiz Prizes as described in 3.3.(a) and 3.3.(b) cannot be contacted within 5 (five) days of first being contacted by the Promoter, their prize will be forfeited and reattributed to the player ranked next in the given ranking. If a winner of any of the Session Draw prizes as described in 3.3.(c) cannot be contacted within 5 (five) days of first being contacted by the Promoter, their prize will be forfeited and a new lottery gathering Participants who entered the given Session will take place in order to pick a new winner.
3.6. The prizes are as stated and no alternatives are available. No transfer, assignment, or substitution by winners is permitted. The prizes may not be redeemed for cash or resold. All costs and expenses not included within the prizes are the sole responsibility of the winner(s).
4. Use of winner(s) image(s)
4.1. Each prize winner may be required to participate in future publicity. By participating in the Quiz, the prize winners agree that the Promoter can record, film and/or photograph their participation in all aspects of the relevant prize and exploit, and authorise third parties to exploit, such films, photographs or recordings in any media now known or hereafter invented in any part of the world and for any purpose whatsoever in perpetuity, with no payment being due to the winners or their companion.
5. Data protection
5.1. Processing of personal data for the Quiz management
Regarding the Quiz, the Promoter implements a processing of personal data. Said processing is necessary for the performance of this contract to which the Participant is a party and aims at ensuring the registration and the entry of the Participant to the Quiz.
Within said processing of personal data, the Promoter collects the following personal data:
- a pseudonym;
- an email address;
- a password;
- the time zone in which the Participant is located.
The provision of the requested personal data is a contractual requirement. Failure to provide said personal data would not allow the registration and the entry to the Quiz.
For the abovementioned purpose, the collected personal data are transferred to Feeling Sports© which acts on behalf of the Promoter. Each winner’s name (pseudonym) and time zone are available to any registered user on request by emailing questions.fantasy@fei.org within 90 days of the closing date. The collected personal data are stored by the Promoter for the duration of the contract.
5.2. Processing of personal data regarding marketing communication
 Marketing communication by the Promoter
The Promoter also collects data relating to consent to receive other communications (“opt-ins”)
If the Participants opt-in, the Promoter also implements a processing of personal data related to marketing communication. Said processing of personal data relies on the Promoter’s legitimate interest which is to provide the Participants with the Promoter’s newsletter and maintain a contact with the latter.
The personal data collected for this purpose is the Participants’ email, pseudonym and opt-in preferences. The provision of the requested personal data is necessary for the Participant to receive communications from the Promoter. Failure to provide said personal data would not allow the communication with the Participant in this regard. The Participant is free to unsubscribe from these communications at any time by following the unsubscribe link contained in said communication.
For the abovementioned purpose, the collected personal data are transferred to Feeling Sports© which acts on behalf of the Promoter. The collected personal data are stored by the Promoter on the basis of the Promoter’s legitimate interest.
 Marketing communication by the Promoter’s partners
By checking the dedicated checkbox when registering, the Participant agrees its email address to be transferred to the Promoter’s partners in order for said partners to send marketing communications to the Participant. The Participant is free to unsubscribe from these communications at any time by following the unsubscribe link contained in said communication.
5.3. Processing of personal data for publicity purposes by the Promoter
In the event that the Participant is awarded a prize, the Promoter may record, film and/or photograph its participation in all aspects of the relevant prize for publicity purposes, as
mentioned in Article 4. In this respect, the Promoter will, in due time, provide the winner with all the relevant information regarding this specific processing of personal data and request the winner’s consent before implementing said processing.
5.4. General provisions applicable to the aforementioned processing of personal data
In accordance with Articles 15 et seq. of the General Data Protection Regulation No. 2016/679 (GDPR), by using the email address contact@fei.org, the Participant has the right of access to his or her personal data, the right to rectify his or her personal data or to request the erasure of his or her personal data, the right to obtain the restriction of the processing, the right to object to the processing of his or her personal data, under certain circumstances, and the right to data portability.
For the processing of personal data based on the Participant’s consent, the Participant also has the right to withdraw its consent at any time.
In addition, in accordance with Article 77 of the GDPR, the Participant also has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of his or her habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement.
6. Limitation of Liability
6.1. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Promoter excludes liability for any losses, damages or claims incurred by any person in connection with the Quiz or receipt or misuse of any prize.
7. Miscellaneous
7.1. By participating in the Quiz, each Participant agrees to be bound by, and are deemed to have read and understood, these Terms and Conditions as well as the Rules. The Participant declares having the full legal capacity to accept these Terms and Conditions, by itself or through its legal representative acting on its behalf as the case may be.
7.2. Proof of making an entry does not constitute proof of receipt by the Promoter. Except as otherwise required by applicable law, the Promoter does not accept any responsibility for entries for which technical or other reasons are unsuccessful, incomplete, lost, late, damaged, corrupted or misdirected. All decisions of the Promoter in respect of the Quiz are final.
7.3. If any provision contained in these Terms and Conditions shall be prohibited by law or adjudged by a court to be unlawful, void or unenforceable such provision shall, to the extent required, be severed from these Terms and Conditions and rendered ineffective as far as possible without modifying the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and shall not in any way affect the validity or enforcement of the remaining Terms and Conditions.
7.4. If any provision contained in these Terms and Conditions shall differ in meaning or interpretation across existing translations, the English version takes precedent.
7.5. If any provision contained in the Quiz rules available on http://fantasy.fei.org/ shall differ in meaning or interpretation across existing translations, the English version takes precedent.
7.6. This Quiz and these Terms and Conditions are governed by Swiss law and the competent courts of Lausanne, Switzerland shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute (whether contractual or non-contractual) arising out of, or in connection with this Quiz.

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