Règlement du jeu-concours Eurobike Show n°350404 Lot principal gagné : 24 lots parmi des équipements de vélo, des vêtements, des places pour pour des évènements cyclistes, etc. (≈50 €).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

Conditions for participation


The advent calendar, hereafter referred to as 'Lottery', is a promotion being held by EUROBIKE, Messe Friedrichshafen GmbH from 01.12.2018-24.12.2018. Participation in the Lottery may only take place according to the conditions listed here.


All persons are allowed to participate who are at least 14 years of age. Employees of Messe Friedrichshafen GmbH and prize sponsors are not eligible for participation.

Participation in the Lottery requires the provision of the first and last name, form of address, complete residential address, date of birth and a valid e-mail address. Upon registration in the Lottery, these conditions of participation, as well as the protection clause, are explicitly acknowledged.

Participant information is stored and used for the sole purpose of conducting this Lottery. Excepted are data from participants who registered for the EUROBIKE newsletter by double opt in as part of the participation.

Exclusion of participants

If a participant makes false statements about his or her person or participates multiple times a day with various e-mail addresses, he or she may be excluded from the lottery and specifically from receiving prizes. If the same e-mail address is entered with different personal data, that e-mail address is automatically excluded from the prize draw. Manipulation of the Lottery will lead to immediate exclusion. Participation using temporary or fictitious e-mail addresses, by means of scripts, registration services or the like is prohibited subject to legal action.

End of Lottery

The game ends on 24.12.2018. Messe Friedrichshafen GmbH reserves the right, however, to terminate the Lottery prematurely for good cause.

Exclusion of liability

Messe Friedrichshafen GmbH shall not be liable in any form whatsoever for any direct or indirect damage resulting from participation in the Advent calendar or from the possible unavailability of the Internet server.


Prizes will be raffled daily as part of the Advent calendar from 1.12. to 24.12.2018. The participant can open a new door every day. Participation is possible throughout the day (from 00:00 to 23.59). The winner will be informed of the details of the prize won and the value in writing in the winner's letter. All prizes drawn in the course of the Lottery are excluded from exchange. The prizes cannot be paid out in cash. The prizes cannot be transferred to third parties.

Lottery draw

Winners will be notified by post, e-mail or social media via direct message. The participant is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided. The announcement of the winners takes place without guarantee.

Legal recourse is excluded. There will be no correspondence about the Lottery. No purchase is necessary for participation.


Should individual provisions of these conditions of participation be or become invalid, this shall not affect the legal validity of the remaining provisions. It shall be replaced by an appropriate provision which corresponds as closely as possible to the purpose of the invalid provision.