Règlement du jeu-concours Bandai Namco n°162181 Lot principal gagné : Jeu "Devenir un pirate" : 1 semaine au Japon pour 1 personne (2000 euros). Jeu "Découvrir les îles", chaque jour : 1 jeu PS3 "One Piece : Pirate Warriors", 2 figurines ou goodies de la série.

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

Namco Bandai Partners SAS is hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Organizer”.
The Organizer repeatedly organize free Namco Bandai Partners Internet Contest Games (hereafter referred to as “the NBP Internet Contest Game(s)”) available on the website www.onepiece-game.com (hereafter referred to as “the Website”), which the general rules, applicable to each NBP Internet Contest Game organized by the Organizer are described into the Rules and Regulations below.
For each NBP Internet Contest Game, specifications of the latter will be defined in specific rules to these Regulations.
The NBP Internet Contest Games are free of charge and without obligation to purchase and are opened to any person willing to participate, aged over 13 years old (hereafter referred to as “the Participant”). For minors, their legal representatives are considered to have read & accepted the website’s term and conditions at point 1.4.
The NBP Internet Contest Games are opened at the rate of one entry form per household (same name, same e-mail address). Any additional participation will be rejected.
Employees, affiliates or partners of the Organizer, of its subsidiaries, its subcontractors or its officers, and the members of their family or the persons with whom they are domiciled, and generally anyone who helped in the organization of the NBP Internet Contest Games, are ineligible to participate in or win these NBP Internet Contest Games.
The participation in the NBP Internet Contest Games implies the unconditional acceptance of these Regulations in their entirety, of the rules of conduct in force on the Internet, and of the laws, rules and other legislations applicable in France.
Any fraud to the provisions set forth above shall invalidate the candidate.
For each NBP Internet Contest Game, the exact dates and duration of it will be specified in the specific rules to these Regulations.
The NBP Internet Contest Games are only accessible via the Internet from the Website. The participation in the NBP Internet Contest Games will be done exclusively on the Website according to the specific terms for sending the required information detailed on the corresponding page of the Website and in particular in the entry form.
Entry forms of the NBP Internet Contest Game returned incomplete, illegible or containing errors will not be taken into consideration. This will automatically and by rights invalidate the participation of the Participant in the NBP Internet Contest Game.
Participants will have to answer to multiple-choice questions posted on the Website, covering the universe of a video game and which answers can be found by users on the Website and/or other websites and/or any other media listed on the Website.
In parallel, participants will have the possibility to participate to another contest named “I’M A WANTED PIRATE” for which they will have to create a poster and to earn as many votes as possible. The poster’s owner who is going to gain the maximum votes will earn the related prize.
For each NBP Internet Contest Game, the universe of the video game on which the questions are about, and the number and title of these questions are clarified in the specific rules to these Regulations.
To compete, Participants have to complete the entry form found on the Website by answering each of the questions and returning the entry form indicating their e-mail address, and then by pressing “Submit” or connect thanks to Facebook Connect.
After validation, each Participant will receive, via an email, confirmation of his/her participation. If the Participant forgets to include in the entry form one of the required fields, a message will ask him/her to complete the omitted mention.
For each NBP Internet Contest Game, the closing date is set in the specific rules to these Regulations. The recording of the answers will be closed at midnight French time.
For each NBP Internet Contest Game, the number of winners will be decided in the specific rules to these Regulations concerning this particular NBP Internet Contest Game.
The number of winners is determined while stocks last for each NBP Internet Contest Game.
It is recalled that the quality of winner is subject to the validity of the participation of the Participant.
Prizes must be accepted as such and will not be refunded, exchanged or be the subject of a financial compensation.
The Organizer reserves the right to replace the prize(s) by one/other prize(s) of equal value, without giving rise to any claim.
If a winner is unable to enjoy his/her prize, he/she cannot give it to the person of his/her choice and the prize will return automatically the property of the Organizer, no claim will be accepted.
Any winner will be personally notified by the Organizer within one (1) week after the closing date of the NBP Internet Contest Game – such as indicated in the specific rules to these Regulations concerning this NBP Internet Contest Game – by e-mail at the personal address he/she mentioned on his/her entry form. He/she will be informed of details of the prize giving to which he/she must comply with in order to enjoy it.
By auto reply, the winner will declare accepting the prize he/she deserves. If the address details of the winner indicated in the warning e-mail do not match, the winner must correct them in this confirming e-mail.
Unclaimed prizes (as detailed below) will return by rights and automatically the property of the Organizer.
If within fifteen (15) calendar days (the date and time of sending the message as contained within the information system of the Organizer which sent the message authentic) after sending the e-mail informing the Participant of his/her prize, the winner did not show, the prize will return automatically the property of the Organizer, no claim will be accepted.
The winners list will be available for three (3) weeks after the closing date of the corresponding NBP Internet Contest Game upon request at the following e-mail address: contact@namcobandaigames.eu. Participants authorize the Organizer to use for promotional purposes or advertising relating to the NBP Internet Contest Game at which they have participated, their surname and forename on any media and in worldwide, however this authorization cannot grant other rights than the one to receive the promised prizes.
Winners will receive their prize by mail sent by the Organizer within one (1) month following the confirming e-mail sent by the winner to the Organizer.
Sending costs are the sole responsibility of the Organizer.
In the case the prize arrives defective, the winner may refuse to recover it. It will then be automatically returned to the Organizer, which will send to the winner a prize of equivalent value, while stocks last (sending costs to be borne by the Organizer).
The Rules and Regulations are available for consultation in their entirety on the Website www.onepiece-game.com.
A copy can be downloaded and printed directly by the Participant.
In consideration of the services currently available on the market that allow a completely free Internet connection (this gratuitousness including that of the telecommunication expenses for a sufficient duration of the participation in the game), the Organizer notices that no disbursement is needed to participate to the NBP Internet Contest Games.
The participation in each NBP Internet Contest Game implies acceptance without restriction or reservation of the terms of the NBP Internet Contest Game and of these Regulations, and Participants waive any claim to that title. The electronic validation of the participation by clicking “Submit” implies full acceptance of these Regulations.
The Organizer reserves the right to sue anyone who will have cheated, deceived, faked or disturbed the operations stated in these Regulations or attempted to do so. A winner who would have cheated will be by rights strip of any right to obtain any winning prize.
These Regulations and each NBP Internet Contest Game are subject to the provisions of the law of France and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of France.
The participation in the NBP Internet Contest Game implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limits of the Internet, especially regarding technical performance, response times for consulting, querying or transferring information, risks of interruption and more generally inherent risks of any connection and transmission on the Internet, the lack of protection of certain data against possible misappropriation and the risks of contamination by possible viruses circulating on the network.
Accordingly, the Organizer shall in no circumstances be held liable, without this list being restrictive:
- For the content of services available on the Website and, in general, for any information and/or data broadcasted on the services available on the Website;
- For the transmission and/or reception of any data and/or information on the Internet;
- For any malfunctioning of the Internet network preventing the smooth running/functioning of the Game;
- For the failure of any reception equipment or communication lines;
- For the loss of any paper or electronic mail and, more generally, for the loss of any data;
- For transporting problems;
- For the functioning of any software;
- For the consequences of any virus, computer bog, anomaly or technical failure;
- For any damage caused to the computer of a Participant;
- For any technical, hardware or software failure of any nature that has prevented or limited the opportunity to participate in the Game or has corrupted the system of a Participant;
- For the delay in delivery of the prize or its possible loss by the postal services or other mailing services external to the Organizer.
It is clear that the Organizer shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from an interruption, malfunction of any kind, suspension or termination of the NBP Internet Contest Game, and this for any reason whatsoever, or for any direct or indirect damage resulting, somehow, from a connection on the Website. It belongs to all Participants to take all appropriate measures to protect against any attack their own data and/or software stored on their computing equipment. The connection of any person to the Website and the participation of the Participants in the NBP Internet Contest Games are done at their own risk.
The liability of the Organizer shall not incur, in general, in case of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances beyond its control.
Regulations of the NBP Internet Contest Games apply to any Participant who participates in the NBP Internet Contest Games.
The Organizer reserves the right to modify these Regulations and/or the Website, at any time, without notice neither obligation to justify its decision and without its liability being incurred because of this.
The Organizer reserves the right to interrupt, extend, shorten, modify or cancel the Game, at any time, by rights, without notice neither obligation to justify its decision. In this case, the liability of the Organizer cannot be held in any manner whatsoever and the Participants cannot claim any compensation whatsoever.
Additions and amendments can then be published for the duration of the NBP Internet Contest Game and the Participants cannot claim any compensation as such.
In case of modification of the dates, new dates and new corresponding prizes will be mentioned on the Website.
Any modification of these Regulations will come into force from their online publication and any Participant will be deemed to have accepted them due to his/her participation in the NBP Internet Contest Game from the date of the entry into force of the modification. Any Participant refusing the change(s) will have to stop participating in the NBP Internet Contest Game.
The Organizer reserves the right to sue anyone who will have defrauded or attempted to do so. However, the Organizer shall not incur any liability whatsoever vis-à-vis the Participants due to possible frauds committed.
In case of fault on behalf of a Participant, the Organizer reserves the right to exclude, by rights, any participation from the latter, without that he/she cannot claim anything.
In accordance with the legal provisions about personal data protection, especially the Article 34 of the French “Loi Informatique et Libertés” (Data Protection Act) of January 6, 1978, each Participant has a right to access, modify, correct and delete personal data concerning him/her that he/she can exercise near the Organizer by writing to the Webmaster Namco Bandai Games at the address indicated in the preamble, or by sending an e-mail at the address below: contact@namcobandaigames.eu
It is clear that the database containing the personal data of the Participants has been registered with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et Libertés (CNIL) in accordance with the French Law of January 6, 1978
It is agree that, except in the case of manifest error, the Organizer may – in particular for evidence of any act, fact or omission – rely upon programs, data, files, records, operations and other elements (such as monitoring reports or other states) in computer or electronic nature, format or media, established, received or retained directly or indirectly by the Organizer, in particular in its information systems.
Participants undertake not to contest the admissibility, validity or probative force of the elements in computer or electronic nature, format or media aforesaid, on the basis of any statutory provision whatsoever and which would specify that certain documents must be written or signed by the parties in order to constitute evidence.
Thus, the considered elements constitute evidences and, if they are produced as evidence by the Organizer in any litigation or otherwise, they will be admissible, valid and enforceable between the parties in the same manner, under the same conditions and with the same probative force than any document which would be created, received or retained in writing.
Any question of interpretation or application of the Regulations or any unexpected issue that comes to arise will be decided upon, depending on the nature of the question, by the Organizer in accordance with the laws of France.
The purpose of these specific rules and regulations is to clarify the General Rules and Regulations relative to the NBP Internet Contest Game “I’M A TREASURE HUNTER”, available on the Website www.onepiece-game.com.
The NBP Internet Contest Game “I’M A TREASURE HUNTER” is opened from 27 August, 2012 at 12h01 (GMT +1) to 21 September, 2012 at 23h59 (GMT +1).
The duration of the NBP Internet Contest Game “I’M A TREASURE HUNTER” is twenty six (26) calendar days.
The Participants will have to answer to one (1) multiple-choice questions related to the universe of I’M A TREASURE HUNTER posted on the Website every day, so a total of twenty six questions (26) multiple-choice questions.
The twenty six questions (26) are:
1. How many members are there in the Strawhat Crew during the prologue of the ONE PIECE PIRATES WARRIORS videogame (Arrival on Sabaody Archipelago)?
a. 9
b. 8
c. 7
2. Name the huge battle that forced the Strawhat Pirates to get rid of their first ship: the Merry Go?
a. Marine Ford
b. Water Seven / Judicial Island
c. Sabaody
3. Where did Nami grow up?
a. Orange Town
b. Cocoyashi village
c. Syrup Village
4. In the I’M A TREASURE HUNTER videogame, how can Luffy use the ‘Jet’ attack?
a. He must activate Gear 3
b. He must activate Gear 2
c. He can use it anytime.
5. How many arms has Hachi?
a. 8
b. 4
c. 2
6. What is so special with Genzo’s hat?
a. A bird is hidden inside
b. It looks like a dog head
c. It has a windmill on it
7. What is Nami’s favorite fruit?
a. Tangerine
b. Orange
c. Apple
8. What is the type of the Gum-Gum fruit that Luffy ate?
a. Logia
b. Zohan
c. Paramecia
9. What was Robin’s codename when she was working for the secret “Baroque Works” organization?
a. Miss all Sunday
b. Miss Valentine
c. Miss Goldenweek
10. Which animal is represented in Mr 2 (also known as Bonclay) costume?
a. Swan
b. Duck
c. Cat
11. Which elemental force does Borsalino/Kizaru use?
a. Magma
b. Ice
c. Light
12. What is the pill that Chopper sometimes chomps to improve his fighting abilities?
a. Rumble Ball
b. Medicine Ball
c. Tiger Ball
13. Where did the Marines execute Gold Roger?
a. Rogue Town
b. Alabasta
c. Water Seven
14. How much was Luffy’s bounty when he set foot on the Sabaody Archipelago?
a. 30 000 000 Beris
b. 100 000 000 Beris
c. 300 000 000 Beris
15. How many agents are there in the CP9 (without their boss Spandam)?
a. 7
b. 6
c. 5
16. What is the name of the competition proposed by Foxy the Silver Fox?
a. Pirate Super Race
b. Davy Back Fight
c. Furious Food Fight
17. Which elemental force does Portgas D. Ace use?
a. Lightning
b. Darkness
c. Fire
18. Where does Igaram hide his weapons?
a. In his sleeves
b. In his armor
c. In his hair
19. On which island is Eneru a self-proclaimed god?
a. Skypia
b. Drum Island
c. Little Garden
20. Who was Franky’s master?
a. Sam
b. Tom
c. Bill
21. What is the release date of I’M A TREASURE HUNTER for PlayStation 3?
a. 21st of October 2012
b. 21st of September 2012
c. 21st of November2012
22. Who rules Thriller Bark?
a. Dr. Hogback
b. Gecko Moria
c. Absalom
23. Camie is a…
a. Starfish
b. Whale
c. Mermaid
24. Who gave Luffy his famous strawhat?
a. Redhead Shanks
b. Buggy
c. Whitebeard
25. Who was the leader of the secret criminal organization “Baroque Works”?
a. Wapol
b. Black Beard
c. Crocodile
26. What it Alvida’s favorite weapon?
a. An axe
b. A club
c. A sword
Once answered to the questions the Participant will press “Submit”.
The closing date of the NBP Internet Contest Game “I’M A TREASURE HUNTER” is 21 September, 2012 at 23h59.
The number of winners is seventy eight (78), corresponding to three (3) ONE PIECE items offered by the Organizer per day during twenty six days (26). The seventy eight (78) winners are the Participants, who will be selected randomly by the winner among those who correctly answer the question.
Winners will be personally notified by the Organizer within one (1) week after the closing date of the NBP Internet Contest Game “I’M A TREASURE HUNTER” by e-mail at the personal address they mentioned on their entry form. They will be informed of details of the prize giving to which they must comply with in order to enjoy it.
By auto reply, the winner will declare accepting the prize he/she deserves. If the address details of the winner indicated in the warning e-mail do not match, the winner must correct them in this confirming e-mail.
Winners will receive their prize by mail sent by the Organizer within one (1) month following the confirming e-mail sent by the winner to the Organizer.
Sending costs are the sole responsibility of the Organizer.
List of the prizes offered by the Organizer:
- Twenty six (26) ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS PS3 Games,
- Twenty four (24) ONE PIECE Figurine Ultra-Collection 11cm
- Eight (8) ONE PIECE Figurine Mini-Collection 5cm
- Five (5) ONE PIECE Mug One Piece Luffy wanted - Grand contenant
- Five (5) ONE PIECE Mouse Pad One Piece SKULL en forme
- Five (5) ONE PIECE T-Shirt – One Piece Skull with map homme stone blue” x5 – taille M
- Five (5) ONE PIECE Flags One Piece Skull - Luffy Grand format
- The Organizer reserves the right to replace the prize(s) by one/other prize(s) of equal value, without giving rise to any claim thanks to the additional prizes’ list hereafter:
List of the replacement prizes offered by the Organizer if the winner is not eligible:
- Sixteen (16) ONE PIECE Figurine Mini-Collection 5cm
- Fifteen (15) ONE PIECE DVD Film
- One (1) One Piece TV-Serie Box 1 GER
- One (1) One Piece Film 10 – Strong World DVD GER
- One (1) One Piece Film 10 – Strong World Blu-ray GER
Unit value of the prizes:
- ONE PIECE Figurine Ultra-Collection 11cm – 10€
- ONE PIECE Figurine Mini-Collection 5cm – 5€
- ONE PIECE DVD Film – 19.95€
- ONE PIECE Mug One Piece Luffy wanted - Grand contenant – 12€
- ONE PIECE Mouse Pad One Piece SKULL en forme – 7€
- ONE PIECE T-Shirt – One Piece Skull with map homme stone blue” x5 – taille M - 22€
- ONE PIECE Flags One Piece Skull - Luffy Grand format – 24
- ONE PIECE TV-Serie Box 1 GER – 64.95€
- ONE PIECE Film 10 – Strong World DVD GER - 24.95€
- ONE PIECE Film 10 – Strong World Blu-ray GER - 24.95€
The price pointed above corresponds to the recommended retail price for this product.
Unclaimed prizes will return by rights and automatically the property of the Organizer.
For any question of interpretation or application of the Specific Rules or for any question about the NBP Internet Contest Game “I’M A TREASURE HUNTER”, the Participant has to send an e-mail at the following address: contact@namcobandaigames.eu.
Except as expressly provided herein, all terms and conditions of the General Rules and Regulations of the NBP Internet Contest Games organized by the Organizer remain unchanged, in full force and effect, and are applicable to these specific rules.
Terms of Service for the “I’m a Wanted Pirate contest”
The “I’m a Wanted Pirate contest” is available on the following website:
“Game”: means the video games entitled “ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS”
“Creation”: means poster with photography, drawing, text.
“Website” means http://www.OnePiece-Game.com
“Contest” means I’m a Wanted Pirate contest
“Poster”: means the creation of the image which is composed of the poster framework and the photo of the participants which will be inserted in the determined part.
Accepting the Terms
These Terms of Service ("Terms") are a legal agreement between Namco Bandai Partners SAS and/or NBGI ("NBP AND/OR NBGI" or "we") and you ("you"). By using or accessing to the Poster contest of the Game (hereinafter, “Poster Contest”) you agree to be bound by these Terms.
By accessing or participating in the Poster Contest, you agree that you have read, understood, and accept to be bound by the Terms.
NBP AND/OR NBGI reserves the right, in its sole discretion, modify or revise these Terms at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. If you do not agree to the Terms, do not participate in the Poster Contest. Users are responsible for periodically viewing the Terms. Your continued participation in the Poster Contest after a change or update has been made will constitute your acceptance to the revised Terms.
If you do not agree to the Terms your only remedy is to discontinue your participation of the Poster Contest and cancel any accounts you may have created to participate for the Poster Contest.
If you violate the Terms, NBP AND/OR NBGI reserves the right to issue you a warning regarding the violation or immediately terminate or suspend any or all accounts you have created to participate for the Poster Contest. You agree that NBP AND/OR NBGI need not provide you notice before terminating or suspending your account(s), but it may do so.
NBP AND/OR NBGI reserves the right to refuse any user access to the Poster Contest without notice for any reason, including, but not limited to, a violation of the Terms.
You agree that NBP AND/OR NBGI may discontinue the Poster Contest or change the content of the Poster Contest at any time, for any reason, with or without notice to you, without liability.
You represent that you are 13 years old or older. If you are between the ages of 13 and 18, you represent that your legal guardian has reviewed and agrees to the Terms. You represent that you are a citizen of one of the following countries:
• Austria
• Belgium
• Denmark
• Finland
• France
• Germany
• Greece
• Italy
• Luxembourg
• Monaco
• Netherlands
• Norway
• Poland
• Portugal
• Russia
• Spain
• Sweden
• Switzerland
• UK
Intellectual Property/Ownership
Image right
You acknowledge having used the photo of your own image for the realization of your Creation, and are aware that, through the poster, this image can be used, broadcasted and reproduced, as considered hereinafter.
IP about your Creation
In accordance with and except as otherwise provided in the Terms, you acknowledge and agree to assign and transfer on an exclusive basis for the legal term of copyright protection according to the local law of the participant and within the Territory the following rights to your Creation:
- Reproduction right
The right to reproduce or have reproduced, to edit or have edited, to publish or have published all or any part of your Creation (including your image) on all graphic, digital or electronic support, intended for presentation, exploitation and promotion of the Game and the present contest.
- Representation Rights
The rights of representation and public performance encompass and include, but are not necessarily limited to publicly display of your Poster by any means and through all media (Internet, TV…), to exploit or perform your Poster via any support for the promotion and the advertising of the Game, and to authorize the broadcasting of your Poster for TV commercials or any other advertising/promotion of the Game and the present contest.
This transfer and assignment of rights shall confer on NBP AND/OR NBGI the right to exercise the preceding rights either itself and/or a through a third party.
It is agreed that no compensation will be paid by NBP AND/OR NBGI for such transfer of rights.
User Content
You grant NBP AND/OR NBGI the right to act as an agent on your behalf as operator of the application. Any data, text, graphics, photographs and their selection and arrangement, (hereinafter "User Content") uploaded in the scope of the Poster Contest are subject, whether in whole or in part, to unlimited commercial, non-commercial and/or promotional use by NBP AND/OR NBGI.
Text, graphics, and photographs are uploaded by you and are the sole responsibility of the person from whom the User Content originated. Thus, users are responsible, and NBP AND/OR NBGI is not responsible for any files users upload, post, or otherwise make available. NBP AND/OR NBGI may or may not regulate User Content and does not guarantee the accuracy, quality, or integrity of any User Content posted via the NBP AND/OR NBGI application. By using NBP AND/OR NBGI you acknowledge and accept that you may be exposed to material you find offensive or objectionable. You agree that NBP AND/OR NBGI will not under any circumstances be liable for any User Content, including, but not limited to, errors in any User Content, or any loss or damage incurred by use of the User Content.
NBP AND/OR NBGI reserves the right to remove and permanently delete any User Content from the Poster Contest with or without notice.
Free Creation contest of the Game
The Poster Contest distributed by NBP AND/OR NBGI is completely free. There is no payment required to participate in such Poster Contest.
Rules of Conduct/Usage
The Poster Contest may provide communication channels such as forums, communities, or chat areas ("Communication Channels") designed to enable you to communicate with other users of the Game. NBP AND/OR NBGI has no obligation to monitor these communication channels but it may do so and reserves the right to review materials posted to the Communication Channels and to remove any materials, at any time, with or without notice for any reason, at its sole discretion. NBP AND/OR NBGI may also terminate or suspend your access to any Communication Channels at any time, without
notice, for any reason. You acknowledge that chats, postings, or materials posted by users on the Communication Channels are neither endorsed nor controlled by NBP AND/OR NBGI, and these communications should not be considered reviewed or approved by NBP AND/OR NBGI. NBP AND/OR NBGI will not under any circumstances be liable for any activity within Communication Channels. You agree that all your communications with the Communication Channels are public, and thus you have no expectation of privacy regarding your use of the Communication Channels. NBP AND/OR NBGI is not responsible for information that you choose to share on the Communication Channels, or for the actions of other users.
You agree that your participation of the Poster Contest shall be lawful and that you will comply with the usage rules. In furtherance of the foregoing, and as an example and not as a limitation, you agree to and/or warrant the following:
-(1) your Creation is created originally and solely by you without relying on any other works of any other party;
-(2) NBP or NBGI may, at any time, with or without cause, at its sole discretion, decide not to, or cease to display your Creation even if it has been selected; and
-(3) NBP reserves the right to decide whether or not to indicate that your Creation was created by you.
In addition, you agree not to participate in the Poster Contest in order to:
• post, upload, transmit or otherwise disseminate information that is obscene, indecent, vulgar, pornographic, sexual or otherwise objectionable
• defame, libel, ridicule, mock, stalk, threaten, harass, intimidate or abuse anyone, hatefully, racially, ethnically or, in a reasonable person's view, otherwise offensive or objectionable
• upload or transmit (or attempt to upload or transmit) files that contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, corrupted files or data, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of the «Ace Combat Assault Horizon Poster Contest» or other users' computers
• violate the contractual, personal, intellectual property or other rights of any party including using, uploading, transmitting, distributing, or otherwise making available any information made available through the Poster Contest in any manner that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other right of any party (including rights of privacy or publicity)
• attempt to obtain passwords or other private information from other members
• improperly use support channels or complaint buttons to make false reports to NBP AND/OR NBGI
• develop, distribute, or publicly inform other members of "auto" software programs, "macro" software programs or other "cheat utility" software program or applications in violation of the applicable License Agreements
• exploit, distribute or publicly inform other members of the Poster Contest error, miscue or bug which gives an unintended advantage
• violate any applicable laws or regulations, or promote or encourage any illegal activity including, but not limited to, hacking, cracking or distribution of counterfeit software, or cheats or hacks for the Poster Contest.
Disclaimer of Warranty; Limitation of Liability
You agree that your participation of the Poster Contest shall be at your sole risk. To the fullest extent permitted by law, NBP AND/OR NBGI, its officers, directors, employees, and agents disclaim all warranties, express or implied, in connection with the website and your use thereof including implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, accuracy, authority, completeness, usefulness, and timeliness.
NBP AND/OR NBGI makes no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content of the Poster Contest or the content of any sites linked to the Poster Contest and assumes no liability or responsibility for any (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content, (ii) personal injury
or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to and your participation at the Poster Contest(iii) any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (iv) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the Poster Contest(v) any bugs, viruses, trojan horses, or the like which may be transmitted to or through the Poster Contest by any third party, and/or (vi) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the Poster Contest.
In no event will NBP AND/OR NBGI, its directors, officers, agents, contractors, partners and employees, be liable to you or any third person for any special, direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages whatsoever including any lost profits or lost data arising from your participation at the Poster Contest or other materials on, accessed through or downloaded from the Poster Contest whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not NBP AND/OR NBGI has been advised of the possibility of these damages. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction.
You specifically acknowledge that NBP AND/OR NBGI shall not be liable for user submissions or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any third party and that the risk of harm or damage from the foregoing rests entirely with you.
You agree to indemnify and hold NBP AND/OR NBGI, and each of its directors, officers, agents, contractors, partners and employees, harmless from and against any loss, liability, claim, demand, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or in connection with (i) your participation of and access to the Poster Contest; (ii) your violation of any term of these Terms of Service; (iii) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; (iv) any claim that one of your User Submissions caused damage to a third party; or (v) any Content you post or share on or through the Poster Contest.
Organization of the Poster contest:
From August 27th 2012 (12h01 GMT+1 Time) to September 21st 2012 (23h59 GMT+1 Time). The contestants will post their Creation. The duration of the NBP Internet Contest Game “ONE PIECE: PIRATE WARRIORS” is twenty six (26) calendar days.
Running of the contest
The NBP Internet Contest Games are only accessible via the Internet from the Website. The participation in the NBP Internet Contest Games will be done exclusively on the Website according to the specific terms for sending the required information detailed on the corresponding page of the Website and in particular in the entry form.
Entry forms of the NBP Internet Contest Game returned incomplete, illegible or containing errors will not be taken into consideration. This will automatically and by rights invalidate the participation of the Participant in the NBP Internet Contest Game.
The Creation will be submitted and once approved uploaded on the Website. Once lived the poster could receive votes. One (1) person can vote only one (1) time per day for the same poster.
Determination of the winner
The contestant who owns the poster with the most important number of votes by at 23h59 the 31st August 2012 will win the prize. If two (2) or more posters have the same number of votes then the winner will be decided by Namco Bandai Partners SAS
The results will be published from the 3rd September 2012 on the website: http://www.OnePiece-Game.com
Prize to win
The winner of the Contest is going to win 1 trip to Tokyo of 7 days, for one (1) person which includes:
• 1 flying ticket round trip, from Europe to Japan (from the closest European international airport around the winner’s living place)
• Accommodation and breakfast for 6 nights
• 1 pass: « Japan Rail Pass 7 Jours »
• 1 ticket round trip from Narita to Tokyo
Value of the prize: two thousand Euros (2.000€)
The prize will not be exchanged against money. If the prize is no more available it will be replaced by a similar travel in term of value and definition, and this at the discretion of the company.
All expenses not contemplated by the list hereinbefore will be considered as additional costs borne by the winner.
Extra fees include but are not limited to the following:
• Transportation costs (from the winner’s living place to the airport…),
• Food expenses,
• Fees related to the visa and insurance
By visiting or participating in the Poster Contest you agree that the laws of United Kingdom, without regard to principles of conflict of laws and regardless of your location, will govern these Terms of Service and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and NBP AND/OR NBGI. Any claim or dispute between you and NBP AND/OR NBGI that arises in whole or in part from your participation at the Poster Contest shall be decided exclusively by a court of competent jurisdiction located in Lyon. NBP AND/OR NBGI reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time and without notice, and it is your responsibility to review these Terms for any changes. Your participation at this following any amendment of these Terms of Service will signify your assent to and acceptance of its revised terms. You agree that we may use the personal information of the contestants received through the Poster Contest for the purpose necessary to operate such contest and for the purpose of sending newsletters, etc. to the contestants.、

Plus de 1600 euros de cadeaux à gagner

Jouez avec Roche Mazet pour tenter de gagner des coffrets "Le Verre Gourmand"
Pour participer au tirage au sort, votez pour l'un des duels de vins proposés.
Rejouez pour augmenter vos chances.