Règlement du jeu-concours Vila Clothes n°163797 Lot principal gagné : (Jeu Facebook) 1 séjour de 5 jours pour 2 personnes à New York en hôtel 3* avec petits-déjeuners (3350 euros).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

This competition is organized by VILA A/S, Stilling Kirkevej 10, Stilling, 8660 Skanderborg, Denmark. By entering the competition you accept and agree to comply with these terms and conditions. Entrants who do not comply with these terms & conditions will not be eligible to win the prize.

All information on how to enter this competition forms part of these terms & conditions.

You must be at least 18 years of age to participate. Employees from VILA A/S and BESTSELLER A/S are not allowed to participate in the competition.

This competition runs until 30th of September, and all entries must be submitted before this date. The VILA staff will draw one winner at random among the correct answers. The winner will be notified via email on 3rd of October 2012 and the winner will be published on Facebook. If VILA A/S receives no reply from the winner within 7 days from the notification date a new winner will be drawn at random among the correct answers.

This competition is submitted to the laws of Denmark.

Prize: The prize consists of a 5 day trip for the winner and one friend beyond the age of 18 to New York on an optional date in the period between 01.02.2013 and 01.04.2013. The trip includes two return flight tickets to New York, 4 nights stay in a 3*** hotel with breakfast included and transportation to and from the airport in New York. Beverages and other meals, pocket money, activities, personal- and travel insurance and transportation to and from the airport in country of residence are not included in the prize. The trip is booked by VILA A/S. No cash or credit alternative is available and the prize is not transferable. The estimated value of the prize is DKK 25.000. The winner is not entitled to any kind of compensation from VILA /AS in case the winner will be unable/of inability to complete the trip. The trip is carried out on the travelers own risk and responsibility.

Use of Personal Information: All participants are required to submit their email addresses in order for VILA A/S to identify and contact the winner. All personal information received in regards to this competition is treated confidentially within VILA A/S and will be permanently deleted when VILA A/S has been in contact with the winner.

The winner will be required to supply certain information such as name, address, pass port number, date of birth etc. This information will be used by VILA A/S for the purpose of making the travel arrangements only and the information will be deleted when VILA A/S has booked the trip.

Gagnez des entrées au Futuroscope

Répondez à 2 questions pour tenter de gagner vos 4 entrées au Futuroscope.
6 gagnants se partageront 24 entrées.

Les réponses :
1 ► 55 km/h
2 ► Chasseurs de Tornades