Règlement du jeu-concours Vero Moda n°162336 Lot principal gagné : (Jeu Facebook) Chaque jour : 1 veste Vero Moda (99 euros).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

This competition is run by VERO MODA, which is a part of BESTSELLER A/S: BESTSELLER, Fredskovvej, 7330 Brande, Denmark. WHEN? The competition runs for 4 weeks from 20.08.12 – 16.09.12. HOW TO PARTICIPATE? To take part in the contest, the participant has to upload a photo of him/herself looking blown away by VERO MODA, then make it personal via the Blown Away Facebook Module. WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? In order to take part, participants must be at least 18 years of age. WHAT CAN BE WON? There is a total of 28 prizes of a VERO MODA Solo jacket at the value of 99.95EUR. HOW ARE THE WINNERS DETERMINED? VERO MODA will choose one winner of a VERO MODA Solo jacket every day in the competition period based on individuality and interpretation of the Blown Away theme. HOW WILL VERO MODA TREAT YOUR INFORMATION? All information that is gathered in the competition sign-up process is treated confidentially within the VERO MODA Marketing department and used only to contact the winners. All information will be permanently deleted after the competition has ended and all winners have been determined. The winners will be determined and announced daily. HOW WILL THE WINNERS BE CONTACTED? The winners will be contacted directly by e-mail and has to provide information on their jacket size and postal address in order for the VERO MODA Marketing Department to be able to prepare the prizes. The prizes will be posted directly to the winners' home addresses. In case VERO MODA receives no response from the winners within 7 days from the date of first e-mail contact, VERO MODA is entitled to draw a new winner. HOW WILL VERO MODA USE YOUR IMAGE? By uploading a picture in this contest, VERO MODA has the rights to utilize my picture to promote the contest. If so, it will only ever be utilized in connection to this competition.

Gagnez le voyage de vos rêves

2000 euros en bons d'achat pour choisir le voyage de vos rêves dans le catalogue TUI.
Il suffit de s'inscrire pour participer au tirage au sort.