Règlement du jeu-concours UNRIC (ONU) n°125059 Lot principal gagné : Un montant de 5000 euros, 1 année de stage au centre "Fabrica" de Trévise (Italie).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu


1. Who can enter

  • The competition is open to all citizens and residents of the 48 UN Member States in Europe: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and United Kingdom.
  • Participants must be 18 years of age and over.
  • Text or slogans used in the advertisement can be in any of the official languages of the 48 European countries of eligibility. However all submissions must be translated into English, should they be in another language. Translation can be submitted in the entry description. Entries submitted without translation will be disregarded.
  • UNRIC employees and all members of their immediate family, firm, or design teams (designers who collaborate on a regular basis) are not eligible to enter the competition.

2. How to enter

  • All submissions must be made through the designated website. Received entries on paper or via post will not be accepted.
  • Entry is free

3. Submission deadline

  • The contest for entries opens on 8 March. Submission ends at midnight (CET) 31 May 2011.
  • No responsibility is assumed on the part of UNRIC for late entries or corrupted files. Incomplete entries or entries that do not comply with the above formal specifications will be automatically disqualified.
  • Due to the high volume of last-minute entries, we advise you to submit your entry well in advance of the submission deadline

4. Technical requirements

  • Each participant can enter only once, but can upload up to five images. If you have more than one idea for our competition, you can submit more than one entry but maximum five images for one participant – however, we advise you to keep variations of one idea to ONE entry only. Each entry will be considered as an individual entry only, even though it is part of a series.
  • Image submissions should meet the following requirements:

o in RGB,

o maximum size of 1000x1500px at 72 dpi,

o horizontal or vertical orientation

o in JPEG format

o with a limit of 5MB per image.

  • The finalists will be requested to provide a high resolution image (at least 300dpi) in the prescribed size – A3 portrait or landscape. The inability to produce a professional reproduction quality image in the prescribed size may result in an exclusion from the list of finalists.
  • The advertisement can include text, images, photos or any combination of these elements.

5. Copyright and patents

  • Submitted advertisement must be an original, unpublished work
  • The entrant is responsible for the contents of the advertisement which cannot include copyright protected material. The entrant must have the rights for all the texts and images used in the submitted work.

6. The brief

  • The submitted work must include the “No to Violence Against Women” campaign logo. Language versions of the logo in original colours, negative or in grey scale are be available for download. Entrants are free to use any one of them. Under no circumstance should any of the logo components be separated. No filters and effects should be applied. The font, size and position of the text should be kept as it is. The logo must not be squashed, stretched or skewed.
  • The advertisement must not benefit any company, organization, political party or official interest group by the use, for instance, of logos, brands, or representatives or corporations, parties or organizations.
  • The advertisement must not contain any nudity, lewd, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate content. All submissions will be pre-screened by the competition moderator before they appear on the campaign website.
  • There can be no reference to your identification included in or on the entire artwork. However, all submissions must be clearly linked to its author. Creative credits will be requested if your artwork is chosen as a finalist. Creative credits for your artwork will be included in possible exhibits and print media.

7. Public voting and Judging Period

Once all submissions have been received, the judging and public voting phases for the competition will begin. Check the individual competition briefs for the dates.

8. Judging process and Criteria

Selection Process

The organizer will appoint a five member pre-selection committee which will include a majority of practicing designers and gender experts whose role is to ensure that submissions meet the rules outlined in the Call for Submissions. A complete list of names will be announced on 31 March 2011.

The pre-selection committee will select 30 finalists who will be sub­mitted to the jury. The 30 finalists will be made public on the competition website on 1 August 2011.

A jury of prominent graphic design, advertising and marketing experts, as well as United Nations communication and gender experts will evaluate the 30 finalists. Entries not adhering to the rules and criteria may be excluded from the competition, at the discretion of the jury. The jury’s decision is final and there is no appeal.

Public voting will commence on 1 June 2011 and continue until 31 July 2011.

The winners will be announced in September 2011. Selected entries will be contacted via e-mail and asked to provide creative credits and further information.


The “No to Violence Against Women” competition recognizes those entries that demonstrate the value of design in a clear, creative, compelling and effective way. A discerning and qualified jury will identify submissions that serve as an effective tool to convey the message to raise awareness of the violence against women (please see design brief and background note).

9. Prizes and benefits


An award ceremony will take place on 25 November 2011. There will be three awards.

The first award will be a 5,000€ cash prize given by the Caixa Foundation in Spain to the winner selected by the jury. The individual recipients of prize money will be responsible for the tax implications of their winnings.

A “youth prize” will be provided by Fabrica (for entrants of 25 and under). Fabrica is the Benetton Group communication research centre, created in 1094 and founded by Luciano Benetton and Oliviero Toscani, with the aim of combining culture with industry and offering young designers and artists from around the world an opportunity for creative growth and multicultural exchange. Fabrica is based in Treviso, Italy. This winner will receive a two week trial period, which if successful will lead to a full year grant and internship in Fabrica. The trial period includes tutoring, facilities, work station, hospitality in a shared apartment in Treviso (30 minutes from Venice) and lunch in the Fabrica restaurant. UNRIC will cover the return travel costs of trial winner to Treviso.

A public vote prize will be offered by the Portuguese Government to the entry receiving the most votes from the public. Public voting will start 1 June 2011 until 31 July 2011.

10. Notification of winners

The 30 finalists, the first prize winner, youth winner and the public vote winner will be contacted via e-mail and asked to provide creative credits and further information

Gagnez des billets d'avion pour Montréal

11 gagnants remporteront des billets d'avion d'une valeur de 1200 euros.
Pour participer au tirage au sort, répondez à 4 questions.
Les réponses :
1 ► Poutine
2 ► Festival juste pour rire
3 ► Patinage sur glace
4 ► Le Saint-Laurent