Règlement du jeu-concours Tourisme Castille et Leon n°178379 Lot principal gagné : (Jeu Facebook en anglais) 3 séjours en Espagne pour 2 personnes du 28 au 31 mars.

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

1.- Organising company
Fundación Siglo para el Turismo y las Artes de Castilla y León
“Fundación Siglo”) with its registered office
in Valladolid, calle María de Molina, 3, and
Tax Identification Number (
Código de Identificación Fiscal, CIF
) G47463823, organises
and announces a competition with the aim of
promoting tourism of Castile and Leon in
Portugal, the United Kingdom and France.
The competition will be called “CASTILLA Y
and will be carried
out in accordance with the following rules.
The promotion will be carried out on Face
book, however Facebook does not sponsor,
or endorse, or manage the promotion in any
way, nor is it associated therewith in any
way, and the information provided by the pa
rticipants will be provided to Fundación
Siglo and not to Facebook.
2.- Duration and scope
The competition will start at 0:00 hours on 18 February 2013 and will end at 24:00
hours on 12 March 2013.
If for justified reasons it were necessary to
postpone, modify, or repeat the competition,
Fundación Siglo promises to give the modifi
cation the same degree of advertising as
the present rules in order not to affect
the interests of the participants.
3.- Free of cost
The competition will be free so that in order
to participate it will not be necessary to
buy or hire any product, nor will the pa
yment of a fee or any additional sum be
necessary to obtain the prizes awarded by the same.
4.- Participation requirements and procedures
4.1 Authorisation and participation requirements
All individuals over 18 years of age of Brit
ish, French or Portuguese nationality and
resident in the UK, France or Portugal who
have an authentic profile on Facebook will
be able to participate in the competition.
In order to participate, it will be necessary for the participants to be able to
communicate directly in Spanish and/or English.
Persons who may not participate in the
competition include staff employed by
Fundación Siglo, direct or indirect particip
ants in the creation and/or development of
the competition, as well as first-degree relatives of these groups.
In the event that persons excluded from pa
rticipating were to win, these would lose
their right to the obtained prize, and th
e next person that meets the conditions
necessary to participate and designated as next runner-up by the Jury would be
awarded the prize.
4.2 Participation procedures
Participation will take place through an appl
ication on the official “Castilla y León es
Vida” page ” https://www.facebook.c
Throughout the established period, in order
to participate users will have to meet the
following requirements:
Be a fan of the official “Castilla y León es Vida” page on Facebook
Participate in the promotion through th
e application created to that effect,
providing the requested personal data an
d uploading a video or photograph in
accordance with the rules.
Accept the terms of the promotion as we
ll as the applicable personal data
processing policy.
For the purposes of the competition only
the registration forms in which the
participants have truthfully filled in all th
e required fields will be considered valid.
Inexact data will not be admitted, nor will da
ta no longer in force on the date of the
competition. The participants authorize F
undación Siglo to carry out the necessary
checks on identity, age, and details provided
by the participants. Any false statement,
evidence of false identity or address will re
sult in the immediate disqualification of the
participant and, if applicable
the obligation to return the
prize if it had already been
Users registered to participate must uplo
ad a video or photograph in which the
participant’s spirit of adventure is reflected.
The videos and photographs must meet the
following specifications and conditions:
The videos must be uploaded from the user’s account on YouTube.com, the
URL of which the participant must register.
The videos must be a maximum of three to four minutes.
The photographs must be in .jpg, .png or .tiff format and their weight must
not exceed three Megabytes.
The materials presented must be originals by
each participant, who state that they are
the authors thereof and have obtained, in
each case, the express authorisation of
persons whose image and/or voice may ha
ve been used, for their recording and
distribution and use in accordance with
the procedures of the competition.
Furthermore, the materials presented must not
have previously been awarded a prize in
any other competition or event.
In the event that the videos or photographs include music or images, these must be
free of copyright or be of public domain
or otherwise the corresponding payment
made by the participant to obtain
and hold the necessary rights.
Fundación Siglo will be exempt from any
liability that may arise in the case of
plagiarism or infringement of the intellectua
l, industrial or image property rights of
third parties, that could derive fr
om the material or its content.
The contestants may participate as many times as
they want as long as they do so with
different photos or videos. However, the promotion will be limited to one entry per
Submitted materials will be posted on the
competition’s Facebook page together with
the name or alias of each participant.
Fundación Siglo reserves the right to select
the content of its web page, so it may
decide against the publication of any of the
materials received in case of reasonable
doubt as to its compliance with current
regulations and the present rules, whose
content might be illegal, endanger the heal
th, be offensive or dangerous, violate the
rights of third parties or prevent users fr
om making proper use of the web page.
In particular, and without limitation, the di
stribution, posting on the web of messages,
images, graphics, photographs, texts or vi
deos that contain obscene or degrading
content likely to offend the sensibilities of
others; that propose, incite or promote the
undertaking of illegal activities; those th
at could be offensive to race, opinion,
nationality, incapacity, sex, ideology, ethnicity,
religion, beliefs, age, affiliation, political
views or other personal or social conditions
are prohibited, and in general any content
that might violate the right to privacy, hono
ur, law enforcement, child welfare, public
health or consumers or users.
Fundación Siglo may also not post elec
tronic documents or information that
incorporates viruses or other physical or el
ectronic elements that may harm or impede
the normal functioning of the web page.
Any indication of noncompliance with current
regulations or the conditions laid down
in the rules will result in the immediate disq
ualification of the participant or, given the
case, the obligation to return the prize if already awarded.
Once the participations have been valida
ted, the user will participate in the
4.3 Process of choosing the winners
During the Competition Period, i.e., from
18 February to 12 March 2013, Facebook
users will be able to vote for the photograph
s or videos which, in their judgement, best
reflect the participant's spirit of adventure.
The votes will be counted on the basis of th
e number of “likes” for each photograph or
video, and for each of the three countries -
France, Portugal and the United Kingdom.
Throughout the Competition Period, there will
be a running ranking, which will show
the number of votes received by each video or photograph.
If the organising company, or any entity
which is professionally linked to this
competition, detects any anomaly or suspects
that a participant or Facebook user is
impeding the correct and normal running of
the competition and the voting system, by
illegally altering his/her own votes or thos
e of third parties by any technical or IT
procedure in order to thus falsify votes, th
e organising company or the entities may,
unilaterally, cancel the inscription of
the participant who has benefitted.
Once the Competition Period has ended, a
professional Jury, chosen by Fundación
Siglo, whose decisions may not be appealed
, will choose each country's winner from
among the five participants from each country
who gained most “likes”. The Jury will
select the three participants who, in its opin
ion, best represent the required spirit of
As well as choosing the prize wi
nners, the Jury will also select 3 runners-up, in case any
of the winners were to reject the prize, coul
d not be located, or failed to comply with
the requirements laid down in the rules.
The Jury's decision will be record
ed in a notarised certificate.
4.4 Communication with the prize winners
The organising company will contact the thr
ee winners, via email, on or after 15 March
2013, to inform them that they have won and
to request that they expressly accept the
A maximum of three attempts to contact them
will be made, at different times of day,
during a 24-hour period.
Once the winner has been contacted, he/she wi
ll be asked to expressly accept the prize.
To this end, the winner must accept the prize within a maximum of 24 hours from being
If it is not possible to contact a winner, or
the winner does not accept the prize before
the deadline, the prize will pass to the appr
opriate runner-up, and the initial winner will
lose all rights to the prize.
5.- Description of the prizes
Each of the three winners will be given a prize which consists of a trip to Castilla y León,
as follows:
Trip for two people
Includes travel, flights, food and accommodation.
Accommodation for 3 nights in 3- or 4-st
ar hotels or rural accommodation of a
similar category
The trip must be taken from 28 March to 31 March 2013.
The winners from the three countries, and th
eir companions, will travel together.
The winners will be recorded while they
enjoy their trip, with the aim of sharing
their experiences with others.
The itinerary will be set by Fundación Siglo. It
will, however, include the following: wine
and food tasting; Holy Week; the Pilgrims' Wa
y to Santiago de Compostela and visits to
World Heritage Sights.
Changes may be made to the itinerary by Fundación Siglo.
The prize will be personal and non-transferable.
The prizes must be accepted as they are offe
red; i.e. no modification whatever will be
accepted to the itinerary, meeting place
and date, and/or accommodation, flights,
services included, origin and destination ci
ties, or any other aspect of the package.
Fundación Siglo reserves the right to modify
any of these aspects when circumstances
justify it. Similarly, Fundació
n Siglo reserves the right to replace the prize with another
of similar characteristics and value when, fo
r reasons beyond its control, the planned
prize cannot be awarded.
The winners, and where applicable, their co
mpanions, must have valid passports or
identity cards, and must prove this by
presenting the relevant documentation to
Fundación Siglo. Fundación Sigl
o will not be liable if, for any reason including strikes,
war or bankruptcy, it cannot comply with it
s obligations with respect to the trip or
prize. Fundación Siglo will not accept liabilit
y for any possible delays or cancellations by
transport companies.
Additionally, the winners undertake to take
out, at their own expense, a medical
insurance policy with sufficient and appropriate
cover (specifically since this is a journey
abroad), and also take out insurance polici
es covering both accidents and damage to
third parties. Fundación Siglo assumes no
liability for any injuries or damage to
property which may be suffered by the pa
rticipants or possible third parties.
In accordance with the regulations on Non-
Resident Income Tax, the prize will be
subject to such withholding tax and fiscal co
nsequences as may be appropriate in each
case, and the winner must provide proof that
he/she is subject to the appropriate tax
Fundación Siglo will make whatever paym
ent on account or whatever withholding
arrangement is applicable, in the winner's
name, and will inform the Tax Agency as to
each winner's data and the amounts
given to and withheld from them.
The winners may reject the prize; however, they may not, under any circumstances,
exchange it for another prize or its cash equivalent.
Each participant may win only on
e prize in the competition.
6.- Usage and publication rights of videos and photographs and the winners'
By participating in the competition, the pa
rticipants grant Fundac
ión Siglo a licence,
with no time or territorial limit, to the
usage and publication rights of the materials
presented, including the rights to reproduc
e, distribute, publically communicate and
make available to the public, and also to th
e right to transform these, to the extent
necessary in order to prepare collages or
edit them jointly with other materials.
The participants also authorise Fundación Si
glo, if they were to win and accept the
prize, to capture their image and/or voice
(whether by fixed photography or by audio
and/or audiovisual recording), and to reprod
uce, distribute, transform and publically
communicate said photographs and/or record
ings, and also to use and publicise their
names and surname/s as the winners, in any
advertising and/or promotional activity
related to
the tourism promotion of Castille and León all the above in any medium
(including, but not limited to, usage and pu
blication over the Internet) without such
activities conferring on the participant an
y right to remuneration, consideration, or
financial benefit, with the exception of th
e awarding of the prize won in accordance
with these rules. This authorisation has no
limitation in terms of time or territory.
7.- Personal Data
In applying the provisions of Directive 95/
46/EC of the European Parliament and the
Council, of 24 October1995, on the protecti
on of individuals with respect to the
handling of personal data and the free circulat
ion of this data, which is applicable to all
member states of the European Union, and in Law 15/1999, of 13 December on
Personal Data Protection, notice is given th
at the data provided in this form will be
incorporated into the corresponding file of
the Fundación Siglo para el Turismo y las
Artes de Castilla y León. The purpose of this
data collection is to contact you if you
were to win the competition
and, if you give your authorisation, to be able to regularly
inform you of Castilla y León's tourism promotions, products and news.
This commercial information may be sent to
you by email or any other equivalent
electronic means, in accordance with th
e Law on Information Society Services and
Likewise, we inform you that you may exercise
your rights to access, correct, cancel or
object to the information held by contac
ting the organisation holding the file:
Fundación Siglo para el Turismo y las Artes de Castilla y León at C/ María de Molina, 3,
1º, 47001 Valladolid, Tel: 983 213 886 and fax. 983 213 887.
8.- Acceptance of rules
Possible participants are informed that th
e simple fact of participating in the
competition implies complete acceptan
ce of these rules which have been
deposited with a Notary of the Official
Madrid Association of Notaries, and may
be consulted at the website:
and in the
ABACO section of www.notariado.org
This competition will be governed by Spanish legislation.

Gagnez des entrées au Futuroscope

Répondez à 2 questions pour tenter de gagner vos 4 entrées au Futuroscope.
6 gagnants se partageront 24 entrées.

Les réponses :
1 ► 55 km/h
2 ► Chasseurs de Tornades