Règlement du jeu-concours OnePlus n°363373 Lot principal gagné : 1 smartphone OnePlus 7 Pro (≈700 €).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

Pour fêter le 14 juillet, gagnez un OnePlus 7 Pro Nebula Blue

When you submit a contest application (“Submission”) for this Contest, you agree to the Official Rules below.


Sponsor. The sponsor of this contest (“Contest”) is Da Sheng International Trade Co., Limited (“Da Sheng”, which unless repugnant to the meaning shall mean and include its agents, successors, and permitted assigns).
How to Enter. A Contest participant (each a “Participant” and, collectively, the “Participants”) must be at least eighteen (18) years of age at the time of participation, may enter the Contest from by following the process below.
Contest Term. The contest will run from 1 PM GMT+1, 14 July 2019 to 1 PM GMT+1, 29 July 2019. Submissions must be received through the below process during the Contest Term to be eligible.
Process: To participate in the Contest and attempt to win the Prize described in Section 5 below, you should do the following: 

Gleam. Please enter through (the “Platform”) and sign in with a valid account. Please click through the Platform and follow the instructions. In order for your entry through Gleam to be valid, you must follow OnePlus on Twitter (@oneplus_fr), visit our Facebook Page (oneplusfr). Failure to retweet the Contest announcement link will disqualify your entry.
Twitter. Please Tweet the Contest announcement link and follow OnePlus on Twitter (@oneplus_fr).
Facebook. Please follow OnePlus on Facebook (facebook.com/oneplusofficial/) and share the Contest announcement link.
Instagram. Please follow OnePlus on Instagram (@oneplus).

Official Rules

Eligibility. The Contest is open to all individuals residing in regions served by oneplus.net over the age of eighteen (18).
By entering as a Participant, you represent that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age.
Da Sheng is not responsible for computer or network problems; problems with the Platform or its servers; problems with email accounts; or the failure to receive any Submission for any reason whatsoever.
Winner Selection. One participant will be selected from the Submissions and will be nominated as winner (“Winner”). The Winner will be chosen entirely random by the Platform.
Prohibited Content. Da Sheng and its affiliates shall in no case be liable for the contents of Submissions. Participants shall use good taste and judgment in creating and offering their Submissions. Each Participant shall be solely responsible for ensuring that his or her Submission:
Contains full, accurate, and truthful information;
Does not offend the intellectual rights of third parties;
Is free from obscenity;
Complies with all data protection and privacy laws;
Is free from viruses or malware; and
Is not otherwise inappropriate.
License. By making a Submission, each Participant grants Da Sheng and its affiliates a perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable, fully paid-up, royalty-free license to transform, edit, modify, reproduce, distribute, transmit, publish, communicate to the public, broadcast, perform, display, or otherwise use the Submission, in whole or in part, with or without modifications, in any form or medium, including but not limited to, internet, print, point of sale advertising, flyers, leaflets, for entertainment, promotional and/or advertising purposes and/or any other purpose whatsoever.
To the greatest extent permitted by law, Participants agree to waive and not to assert or invoke any so-called moral rights in relation to their Submissions.
For the avoidance of doubt, the license referred to in this Section 4 is a fully paid-up license. By entering, you guarantee that your Submission is original as referred to above, and that you have all necessary rights to provide the Submission and to grant to Da Sheng as applicable the rights set out in these Official Rules, as well as the consent of any person identified, depicted or referred to in the Submission. You will indemnify and hold Da Sheng harmless for any breach of these provisions. Only the Winner(s) will receive a prize according to the next paragraph: ‘Prize’.
Prize. Da Sheng will be giving away one ultimate fan pack.
Not included in the prize: 
Expenses related to collection of the Prize; reimbursement of any expenses incurred in the creation of your Submission.
Restrictions: Participants must submit original, valid Submissions into the Competition. Participants must also at all times comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
Notification/Announcement of Winner. 
The Winner(s) will be selected and notified via email. The Winner must confirm his or her acceptance of the Prize via email confirmation within two (2) hours of receiving notification.
The Winner notification email shall be sent at 2:15 PM GMT on Saturday, 22 December.
If Da Sheng does not receive a reply by 4:15 PM GMT on Sunday, 23 December 2018, another Winner shall be selected.
Any selected Winner will have two hours from receipt of notification to confirm acceptance.
Da Sheng reserves the right to disqualify any Winner who does not confirm acceptance of the Prize in accordance with these Official Rules, and reserves the right to select an alternative Winner in such event.
Prize Conditions. Save as may be required by any applicable mandatory laws, the Prize will be as referred to in these Official Rules and is provided as-is with no express or implied warranty or guarantee. This Contest is subject to applicable local laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, tax laws. Da Sheng may require the Winner to sign and return an affidavit of eligibility, a liability release, and a publicity release permitting Da Sheng to use the Winner’s name, image, and winning Submission in promotional materials where permitted by law and subject to applicable rules. Refusal or inability to sign and return such forms within 48 hours of receipt may result in disqualification and awarding of Prize to an alternate Winner.
General Liability Release. By entering this Contest, Participants release Da Sheng and its agents from any liability whatsoever, on any theory, and waive any and all claims and causes of action arising from or related to this Contest and/or fulfillment and/or use of the Prize, to the extent permitted by applicable law. However, nothing in these Official Rules limits or excludes any person’s or entity’s liability for death or personal injury caused by their negligence or any other liability which may not as a matter of law be limited.
Data. By entering the Contest and submitting a Submission and any other personal information, Participants are expressly consenting to the processing of their personal information by Da Sheng for the purpose of the Contest or any associated publicity by Da Sheng or its affiliates. Da Sheng’s Privacy & Legal policy will apply. Da Sheng may share the Submissions with partners and authorized licensees for Contest administration and prize fulfillment purposes. 

Interpretation and Disputes. Participants agree:
To be bound by these Official Rules and all decisions of the judges, which are final and binding;
That any disputes shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales (or by mandatory local laws, if applicable), and shall be resolved through arbitration in London with the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA);
That they consent and waive any objection to the jurisdiction of said courts for any such disputes. 

Miscellaneous. The Contest is void where prohibited:
If any provision or part-provision of these Official Rules is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable.
If such modification is not possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of a provision or part-provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of these Official Rules.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, Da Sheng may suspend, modify or terminate the Contest if they believe, in their sole discretion, that malfunction, error, disruption or damage is impairing or will impair the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Contest, in which case the prizes will be awarded among the eligible Submissions received that were unaffected by the problem, if possible.

Cette opération promotionnelle n'est pas organisée, approuvée ou administrée par Instagram ou Facebook.

Cette opération promotionnelle n'est pas organisée, approuvée ou administrée par Instagram ou Facebook.

Gagnez un robot Thermochef Intelligence Évolution

Tentez de gagner un robot culinaire d'une valeur de 2000 € !
Il suffit de vous inscrire pour participer au tirage au sort.