Règlement du jeu-concours MTV n°115013 Lot principal gagné : Un week-end pour 10 personnes à Madrid (du 6 au 8 novembre) à l'occasion des MTV EMA avec places VIP pour l'événement et soins spa avec 10 ordinateurs portables Dell Inspiron 15R (8000 euros).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu


1. This competition will be governed by these terms and conditions (the “Terms”) and entrants
agree that they have read and understood these Terms and will be bound by them.

2. Entrants may enter the competition by answering one (1) multiple choice question online at
URL www.mtvema.com. Costs to enter the competition via the internet may vary so please
check with your service provider for current charges. Entrants should seek the permission of
the person paying the bill before entering.

3. The closing date for entries is 16:00 (BST) / 17.00 (CET) on 28 October 2010.

4. This competition is open to residents of the following listed countries only:

 UK;
 Republic of Ireland;
 Spain;
 Netherlands;
 France; or
 Germany.

5. To enter the competition, entrants must be eighteen (18) or over at the date of entry. This
competition is not open to employees and immediate relatives of employees of MTV Networks
Europe (the “Promoter”) and/or Dell Products or of their respective parents, subsidiaries or
affiliated companies or any other person professionally connected with this competition.

6. All entrants shall be responsible for ensuring that their entry and/or acceptance of the prize(s)
does not contravene any local laws or regulations in the country in which they are resident.
This competition shall be void where prohibited or restricted by law.

7. One (1) entry per person. Multiple entries will be void and the entrant disqualified.

8. All entries must include name, age, address, (including postcode), valid email address, valid
telephone number of entrant and answer to the question.

9. One (1) first prize winner (the “Winner”) and ten (10) runners up (each a “Runner Up” and
collectively the “Runners Up”) will be selected. These will be the first eleven (11) entries
randomly drawn from all correct entries received, the Winner being the first entry randomly

10. The random draw will take place on 29 October 2010.

11. The prizes shall be as follows:

11.1 The Winner shall receive:

 tickets to the 2010 MTV European Music Awards in Madrid for the Winner and nine
(9) of their friends (the “Winner’s Guests”) (total of ten (10) tickets);
 return economy class flights from the closest major city airport to the Winner’s home
to Madrid for the Winner and the Winner’s Guests;
 return private transfers between the airport and the hotel in Madrid for the Winner and
the Winners Guests;
 two (2) nights’ accommodation in the designer Vincci Centrum Hotel for the Winner
and the Winner’s Guests (in five (5) twin rooms);
 for the Winner and each of the Winner’s Guests, a choice of either a spa experience
(with use of facilities, manicure and return hotel transfers) or a tour of the Bernabeu
football stadium (with return hotel transfers and souvenir shirt);
 private chauffeured return transfers from the hotel to the MTV EMAs venue for the
Winner and the Winner’s Guests;
351037 Pg 1 of 4  VIP entry to the nightclub Joy, Madrid for the Winner and the Winner’s Guests, with
one (1) private table and champagne on arrival (including return transfers from the
hotel to Joy for the Winner and the Winner’s Guests);
 one Dell laptop for the Winner, an Inspiron 15R
 one commemorative award created by MTV for the Winner;
 subject to the absolute discretion of MTV, the Winner will receive the Dell laptop and
commemorative award on the MTV European Music Awards red carpet and may be
accompanied by one (1) of the Winner’s Guests on the red carpet.

The approximate prize value of the Winner’s prize is €8,000.

The Winner and the Winner’s Guests must hold an EU passport (valid for at least six (6)
months from date of departure) and any other necessary travel documentation (including,
without limitation, visas where necessary) and are advised to obtain their own travel

In addition to the Winner, each of the Winner’s Guests must be aged eighteen (18) or over as
of the date of travel.


11.2 Each Runner Up shall receive:

 one Dell laptop, the exact model to be determined by MTV and Dell.

The approximate prize value of each Runner Up’s prize is €800 (Inc VAT)

12. For the avoidance of doubt, the prizes do not consist of anything other than expressly set out
in Term 11 above and no additional costs (including, without limitation, spending money) are

13. The Winner and Runners Up may be required to provide a written acknowledgement of
acceptance of all the Terms of the competition prior to receiving their prize.

14. The Winner and Runners Up are responsible for all applicable taxes and expenses not
specified in the prize description.

15. The Winner and Runners Up will be notified by telephone within one (1) day of the random
draw and will receive written confirmation and full details of their prize from the Promoter by e-
mail as soon as reasonably possible after being notified that they have won. Each Runner Up
will receive their prize directly from Dell within four (4) weeks of receiving such written

16. In the event that the Promoter cannot for any reason contact any potential Winner or Runner
Up twelve (12) hours after first attempting to do so, the Promoter reserves the right to select
another Winner or Runner Up (as applicable), who will be selected applying the same criteria
as that used to select the original Winner or Runner Up.

17. The Promoter reserves the right to select an alternative Winner and/or Runner Up in the event
that the Promoter has reasonable grounds for believing that a selected Winner or Runner Up
has contravened any of these Terms. Any alternative Winner or Runner Up (as applicable)
will be selected applying the same criteria as that used to select the original Winner.

18. The Promoter’s decision is final with respect to any aspect of the competition, including the
determination of any winner of a prize. No correspondence will be entered into.

468831 Pg 2 of 4 19. By entering this competition all entrants hereby grant to the Promoter and their respective
parents, subsidiaries and affiliated companies a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free,
irrevocable, non-exclusive licence to use, reproduce, copy, adapt, transmit, broadcast, publish
or delete any information or other material including without limitation, the entrant’s name,
entry, photograph, likeness, biographical information, voice, text, images, designs, audio
and/or video clips submitted in entering or any statement made by them concerning the
competition ("Submissions") in any and all media as they, in their discretion, see fit.

20. By entering this competition, all entrants hereby grant the Promoter the exclusive right to film,
tape, sound record and photograph all their activities in connection with the competition and (if
applicable) any prizes. Everything filmed, taped or recorded by the Promoter shall be known
as “Footage”. All Footage shall be owned by the Promoter and all entrants agree that the
Promoter can use any Footage in any and all media in perpetuity throughout the world as the
Promoter in its sole discretion sees fit.

21. All entrants hereby irrevocably and unconditionally assign to the Promoter with full title
guarantee (and by way of present assignment of present and future rights) all intellectual
property rights in any Footage throughout the world for the full unexpired period of such rights
and all renewals, reversions and extensions of such period as may be provided under any
applicable law throughout the world.

22. To the extent possible under applicable law, all entrants hereby irrevocably and
unconditionally waive in favour of the Promoter, the Promoter’s affiliates and their licensees,
assigns and successors in title, all moral rights in any Submissions and/or Footage to which
he or she is, or may at any time in the future be, entitled.

23. Entrants acknowledge that they may be required to be used in publicity without further consent
or payment if they are selected as a Winner or Runner Up.

24. The Promoter can accept no responsibility for entries lost, delayed, misdirected, damaged or
undelivered. Incomplete and/or illegible entries will be disqualified. The Promoter shall not be
responsible for technical errors in telecommunications networks, internet access or otherwise
preventing entry to any competition.

25. The prizes are as stated and are non-transferable. No cash alternatives will be offered. If due
to circumstances beyond the Promoter’s control the Promoter is unable to provide any stated
prize or any part of it, the Promoter reserves the right to award a substitute prize of equal or
greater value. All prizes are subject to the additional terms and conditions of the manufacturer
or supplier.

26. No purchase necessary.

27. The Promoter shall not be liable for any delay in performing or partial or total failure to perform
any of its obligations to the Winner, Winner’s Guests or Runners Up. Under these Terms if
such delay or failure is caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control including
without limitation delays, changes, disruptions, cancellations, diversions or substitutions
howsoever caused including without limitation as a result of war, terrorist action or threatened
terrorist action, strikes, hostilities, civil commotions, accidents, fire, flood, natural catastrophes,
global health crises or arising without limitation out of or in connection with (i) the activities of
third party event organisers; (ii) any form of transportation (including but not limited to flights,
trains, coaches, buses, ferries, taxis or cars); and/or (iii) by third parties providing
accommodation included in the prize. For the avoidance of doubt, the affected Winner,
Winner’s Guests or Runners Up shall be solely liable for any additional costs incurred as a

28. Nothing in these Terms shall limit the Promoter’s liability for death or personal injury caused
by negligence of the Promoter and/or deceit or fraud by Promoter.

29. Each provision excluding or limiting liability is to be construed separately and will apply and
survive even if for any reason any of the other provisions are held to be inapplicable or
468831 Pg 3 of 4 468831 Pg 4 of 4

30. The names of the Winner and Runners Up can be obtained by sending an email to
mtv.competitions@mtvne.com (specifying the name of the competition), for one (1) month
after the competition closes.

31. Any personal information, including without limitation, the entrant's name, age, address
(including postcode), telephone number and/or email address will be used solely in connection
with this competition and for any purpose for which the entrant specifically opts in and will not
be disclosed to any third party except for (a) the purpose of fulfilling the prize(s) where
applicable and (b) for any purpose for which the entrant specifically opts in. Any personal
information held by the Promoter in respect of any competition will be held on record for a
reasonable period to fulfill the purpose for which such personal information was collected. If an
entrant gives the Promoter permission to pass on their personal information to a third party
then this shall no longer be the responsibility of the Promoter and shall be subject to the
privacy policy of that third party.

32. Only entries from individuals will be accepted. Any entries that the Promoter believes have (a)
been made via participation in a syndicate or (b) via any form of machine assisted intervention
enabling computer generated multiple entries, will be disqualified.

33. These Terms may be amended or varied at any time by the Promoter on notice. No waiver of
any rights by the Promoter or any entrant will be taken as a waiver of any other rights it may
have. For example, if the Promoter waives its right to complain about a particular breach of
these Terms by an entrant, it does not prevent the Promoter from complaining about other

34. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and
Wales and any disputes shall be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the English

35. Any queries regarding the competition should specify the name of the competition and be sent
by email to:


I understand and agree to the above.


Entrant’s signature: ……………………………………

Print Entrant’s Name:…………………………………..

Entrant’s Age:……………………………………………

Entrant’s Address ………………………………………

Telephone: ……………………………………………….


Gagnez des billets d'avion pour Montréal

11 gagnants remporteront des billets d'avion d'une valeur de 1200 euros.
Pour participer au tirage au sort, répondez à 4 questions.
Les réponses :
1 ► Poutine
2 ► Festival juste pour rire
3 ► Patinage sur glace
4 ► Le Saint-Laurent