Règlement du jeu-concours Monnier Frères n°171989 Lot principal gagné : (Jeu Facebook en anglais) Un sac Marc Jacobs "Lil Ukita" (395 euros).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

Extract of Reglement for competition «My Daily Look»
Free competition containing a giveaway called "My Daily Look" with no obligation to buy - organized
from the 26 November 2012 until the 20th December 2012 by MONNIER Frères, simplified joint
stock company with a capital of 399.999 euros, listed under the registration number of 529 256 190 in
the register of companies and trade in Paris,whose head office is located at 29 rue Tronchet, 75008
Paris, France.
Participants must be of age. One single participation per household (same name, same address).
The giveaway consists in the following:
Bag Lil Ukita, Marc by Marc Jacobs, with a commercial value of 395€
At the end of the fourth week, a big giveaway will be taking place taking in account all the participants
of the four weeks.
In order to participate in the giveaway, the visitors of the facebook page of MONNIER Frères
must participate in the competition and accept the permission request. Everyone accepting the
permission request will be automatically considered as an Opt-in.
The prices will be delivered to the winner's addresses indicated after contacting the winner. They will
be contacted by email by the host company at the end of the competition in order to comfirm their
deilvery address.
Every price that will be resent either by mail or directly with the recipient in charge of the transport to
the company organizing the competition, for whatever reason (eg.: doesn't live at the indicated address
anymore) will be considered as refused by the winner.
The participation in this competition requires the acceptation of all the terms and conditions, laid down
at Maître Kremmer Christian, Huissier de Justice, SELARL AHRES, 16, rue de la Grenouillère, 01004
General rules of the competition "My Daily Look"
MONNIER FRERES, simplified joint stock company with a capital of 399.999 euros, listed under the
registration number of 529 256 190 in the register of companies and trade in Paris, whose Head office
is located at 29 rue Tronchet, 75008 Paris, France - organizes a competition that enables the
participants to have access to the free giveaway named "My Daily Look" (until the 20th of December
2012 (periode during which the participant must register for the competition) (hereunder "the
competition) with no obligation to buy.
Everyone registering with the following link:
https://www.facebook.com/MonnierFreres?sk=app_451238828246701 will be considered as a
participant in the competition (cf. Article 3-1 for the inscription conditions)
The competition is limited to one participation per household (same name, same address)
Everyone living in Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, the Benelux States, France, Great Britain,
Italy, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bulgary, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Lettonia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco,
Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Roumania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland, Ukraine and being older than 18 can participate in the giveaway.
People excluded from the giveaway are: the complete staff of the organizing company (MONNIER
Frères) and the companies having collaborated with the competition or having a legal relation with the
organizing company, as well as their relatives (wife, husband, parents, children, brothers and sisters as
well as other people belonging to the same household)
The participation in the raffle by answering the quizz "My Daily Look" requires a loyalty which
involves the entire respect of the rules and rights of other participants.
ARTICLE 3 : Competition Methods
1- Participation :
First Step: Everyone who wants to participate in the competition must like the facebook page of
MONNIER Frères https://www.facebook.com/MonnierFreres?sk=app_451238828246701
Second Step: The user must click on the button « I participate! »
Third Step: Registration : every participant must accept the demand of permission on the Facebook
page of Monnier Frères https://www.facebook.com/MonnierFreres?sk=app_451238828246701 and is
consequently considered directly as an opt-in and must respect the rules of the competition.
Forth Step: the giveaway: There will be one single winner selected at the end of the giveaway.
The organizing company gives through the giveaway a bag Lil Ukita by the brand Marc by Marc
Jacobs with a value of 395€ to the winner.
The winners will be determined by an informatic algorythm of the organizing company and the owner.
The giveaway will end on the following date: 20/12/2011 midnight : The organizing company gives
through the giveaway a bag Lil Ukita by the brand Marc by Marc Jacobs with a value of 395€ to the
After the verification of the personal information the benefitting participant will be contacted by the
organizing company, either via mail or via email within 15 days after the giveaway.
Afterwards, the winner sends an acceptance letter or email to the organizing organisation in order to
receive the price. If a price is not demanded before the 20/03/2012 it will be lost and can not be
replaced in any kind of way.
Once the mail or letter of the winner has reached the organizing company, the organizing company
will send the price to the authorized countries (cf. list of countries in article 2) within a maximum of
60 days beginning from the giveaway to the address which the winner indicated as his or her home and
accept the transport charges. There can be no legal action taken if the organizing company can't send
the price to the winner because he or she has indicated the wrong address during the registration, if he
or she has clearly, no matter how, managed to manipulate the result of the competition or didn't
respect the competition's rules.
The prices are personal and can't be sent to other persons.
The price cannot be complained and cannot be exchanged into money, it can either be exchanged nor
replaced (the organizing company reserves the right to replace the suggested price at every time with
other prices with the same value)
Prices that are returned because of difficulties concerning the name or address of the winner will not
be resent and in that case the organizing company will stay the owner of the product.
The competition is free with no obligation to buy.
The organizing company must refund the internet costs to every participant who aks for it in order to
connect to the website to participate in the game
(The refund is based on the regular rate in every country and contains the connection to the website
lasting up to 5 minutes)
The organizing company is not responsible for any prejudice (personal, physical, material, financial
aso) that happens to the participant during the participation in the competition. The participation in the
competition corresponds to the acceptance of this condition.
No complaint will be accepted.
The organizing company is not responsible for any disappointment of the winner concerning his or her
Right to cut short, to extent, to modify and to cancel the competition
The organizing company is not responsible if for whatever reason (IT-problem, virus etc...) or in case
of an act of God (fire, flood, natural catastrophy, strike etc...) the competition will be extended,
modified, transferred or cancelled.
The management reserves the right to cancel the competition if it is not capable of guaranteeing the
personal information's safety of the competition's participants of "My Daily Look"
Exclusion Rights
The organizing company reserves the right to exclude without warning and at every moment any
participant who doesn't respect the competition's rules .
By accepting the raffle the winners give the authorization to the organizing company to use their
name, surname, addresses and/or email addresses in every promotional campaign without giving the
participant the possibility to gain more than the price of the raffle.
The personal information concerning the participants will be used by the organizing company and
especially by their commercial agents as well as by the marketing department.
With the acceptance or without opposition of the participants, the collected information can be used by
the organizer or its partners in order to inform about new products and about offers that could be
interesting for the participants.
The collected information will neither be sent nor communicated to Facebook.
By referring to the rule n° 78-17 of the 6th of January 1978 referring to the documents and freedom,
the participant has the right of opposition (art. 26 of the law), of access (art. 34 to 38 of the law), of
removal (art. 40 of the law) and of rectification (art. 36 of the law) of the given information.
In case of any requirement please contact:
Monnier Frères– Opération « Jeu Facebook » -
29 rue Tronchet, 6ème étage, Bat. B – 75008 Paris
The organizing company will not be in any case responsible for the loss of personal information or of
the spoilage of the information.
The organizing company is not responsible if the information given during the registration of a
participant and not belonging to him or her or if, for whatever reason, the information is not readable
or impossible to process.
These rules have been laid down at Maître Kremmer Christian, Huissier de Justice, SELARL AHRES,
16, rue de la Grenouillère, 01004 BOURG EN BRESSE CEDEX.
These rules can be consulted at every moment on the Facebook application My Daily Look with the
following URL : https://www.facebook.com/MonnierFreres?sk=app_451238828246701, during the
whole competition.
You can egally receive the rules by contacting:
Monnier Frères– Opération « Jeu Facebook »
29 rue Tronchet, 6ème étage, Bat. B – 75008 Paris FRANCE
The rules will be transferred for free to every person requiring them.
The participation in the competition contains the acceptance without any reserve of the whole rules
from the validation of the registration.
The participant accepts to fulfill all the requirements of the competition as well as the acceptance of
the laws and rules belonging to promotional competitions by registering on the website
Any modification of the rules results in the rules being laid down once again at
Maître Kremmer Christian, Huissier de Justice, SELARL AHRES, 16, rue de la Grenouillère, 01004
BOURG EN BRESSE CEDEX, and will come in force beginning from its online presence and every
participant will be considered to have accepted it through his or her participation in the competition,
beginning from the date of the come in force of the modification.
It is agreed that, except in the case of an obvious error, the data contained in the information systems
of the organizing company has a probative value as to the connection and the information resulting
from a data processing on the game.
The law that applies is the French law. Any dispute arising on the occasion of this game and can not
be settled amicably shall be brought before the courts of Paris.
Finally, if any provision of these regulations are declared null and void, this does not in any way affect
the validity of the regulation itself.
The organizing company also tells you that this game is not managed, or associated or sponsored by
Facebook and thus the responsibility of Facebook can not under any circumstances be used in any case
of dispute.