Règlement du jeu-concours Laurastar n°180979 Lot principal gagné : (Jeu facebook) 3 centrales vapeur Laurastar Lift.

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu


Termes & conditions
Article 1: Organizing Company

The company Laurastar whose headquarters are in Switzerland, organizes a free game, free of any purchase obligations, from the 05/04/2013 to the 07/05/2013. The operation is called “Laurastar Lift contest”.

This operation is accessible via the facebook page http://bit.ly/Laurastar-Contest
Article 2: Participating conditions

2.1 This game is open to any person living in Switzerland, France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, client or not client at Laurastar, who wishes to sign up freely from the webpage: http://bit.ly/Laurastar-Contest The company keeps the right to verify all information necessary regarding the identity, the postal address or/ and electronic address of the participant.

2.2 Any one linked directly or indirectly to the company is excluded from participating, should it be an employee or a partner’s company’s employee, or the employee’s family (husbands & wives...etc.). Miners are also not allowed to participate.

2.3 A person who has not correctly provided all complete information regarding their identity or address will be disqualified; as well as those who refuse to have their information saved and used for the management of the game.

2.4 Participation to the game implies the complete agreement with the conditions on this document. Any violations to any conditions will trigger an automatic annulation of participation, as well as eventual gratifications.
Article 3: Participation modalities

The game is played as such:

The player goes to the Facebok Page http://bit.ly/Laurastar-Contest and clicks on the tab “Laurastar Lift contest”.
After having liked the page “Laurastar Lift contest”.and having read and accepted the present conditions of the game:
The player can only play once but can come back and tell a friend about it
The player can tell friends about the game
The game will be played from the 05/04/2013 to the 07/05/2013.

Draws will be done to attribute each price. The lucky draw will be done drawing from all the “Fans” of the page http://bit.ly/Laurastar-Contest having validated their participation to the “Laurastar Lift contest”.and having won no other prices before.

The game is accessible all day without interruption on the Internet page: http://bit.ly/Laurastar-Contest
Article 4: Winners selection

Only one price will be attributed for each winner (same name, same address).

The winners will be designated after verification of their eligibility to the game. The designated participants will be contacted by e-mail by the organizer. If a participant doesn’t respond within a month following the initial email; he or she will be considered to have renounced to the price and the latter will remain the organizer’s property.

By winning a price, the participants allow the organizer to use their name and first names, as well as their home town to promote the game on the organizer’s website or any partner’s website, without implying that this utilization could open the right and remuneration to anything other than the price won.

Winners will have to conform to these conditions. If they can’t conform, their price cannot be attributed. Participants allow all verification regarding their identity, their age, and their addresses, as well as their loyalty and sincerity in participating. As such, the organizer keeps the right to demand a copy of a winner’s Identity Card before sending a price. Any false declaration of identity or residency will automatically eliminate the participants and could involve reimbursing any price already sent.
Article 5: Endowment

The game is composed of the following endowment:
3 portable steam generator, a value of CHF 599.- (each piece)
Article 6: Prices Delivery

Following their participation, the winners will receive all necessary information regarding the procedure to get their price. This information will be sent via email within 10 days (excluding week ends and holiday), from the announcement of their win. The prices will be withdrawn from the headquarters of Laurastar by appointment or sent to the postal address indicated in the inscription form to the game.

The organizer cannot be held responsible for sending prices to an incorrect address given by the participant. If the prices cannot be sent to the winner for whatever reason, independent of the organizer’s will (i.e. the winner has changed address without updating his or her inscription form…etc.), the price will then remain the property of the organizer.

Prices are not interchangeable for any other object or any monetary value and will not be reimbursed partially nor totally. Participants are informed that the sale or exchange of prices is strictly forbidden.

The indicated value of prices correspond to the public price, all tax included, at the time of redaction of these conditions. The value is given as a simple indication and is susceptible to variation. The Organizing Company cannot be held responsible for any accidents/incidents due to the usage of prices. Any brands or names of any products are brand names coined by their respective owner.
Article 7: No obligation of Purchase

The participation to this game involves no obligation of purchase.
Article 8: Limitation of Responsabilty

Participation to the “Laurastar Lift contest” involves the knowledge and the acceptance of all characteristics and limits and the internet, notably regarding technical performances, responding time laps when requesting consulting, asking or transferring information, interruption risks, and more generally, risks inherent to connecting and transmitting on the internet, the absence of protection of some data against eventual contamination or pirating circulating on the network. As a result, the Organizing Committee could not in any case be held responsible; without this list being limitative:

For the transmission and/or the reception of any data and / or information on the Internet;
For any failure of the network preventing the good functioning of the game;
For any failure of the reception material or communication channel;
For the loss of any mail or email; and more generally, of the loss of any data; For achievement problems;
For the functioning of any software;
For the consequences of any virus; informatics bug; anomalies, or technical failure;
For any damage caused to one participant’s computer;
For any technical defiance, material and software of any nature, having prevented or limited the possibility to participate in the game or having damaged one’s participants hardware.
For the malfunctioning of any received prices in the game, and of eventual direct or indirect damage they could cause

It is mentioned that the Organizing Company cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect outcome of an interruption, for whatever malfunctioning for whatever reason, or any damage resulting from connecting to the game’s page. It is the participants’ duty to take all necessary measures to protect their own data and / or software saved on their hardware against any problems. The connection to http://bit.ly/Laurastar-Contest and the participation to the game is done under the participants’ responsibility. The Organizing Company could cancel all or part of the “Laurastar Lift contest” if it appears that frauds of any forms have occurred, notably informatics fraud or fraud resulting from the participants’ determination. The Organizing Company has the right, in that case, to cancel the attribution of prices to people committing frauds and / or to sue them in the right jurisdiction. On the other hand, the organizer will hold no responsibility for any damage caused to other participants by frauds. It will be also considered a fraud to use a fake name or use someone else’s personal information; as each participant must participate to the game with his or her own and unique name. Any fraud leads to an automatic disqualification.

The Game is not managed or in partnership with Facebook. For that reason, Facebook cannot in any case be held responsible for any dispute linked to the game. For any questions, comments or complaints regarding the game, the participant must contact the Organizing Company and not Facebook. Any content is subject to moderation. The Organizing Company has the right to accept, refuse or delete any content without having to justify itself. The Organizer has the right for any reason to cancel, report or interrupt the game or to modify all or part of the modalities of these conditions; while still respecting the existing conditions. If for any reason or event, independent of the organizer’s will, the organizer must use the latter right, its responsibility will not engaged. The Organizer has the right to exclude definitively from any games any person, who by its deceptive behavior would harm the good functioning of the game. Moreover, to tell fictive person to join the game and sign them up will lead to the automatic elimination of the participants. As well as any tentative to use the game out of its initial interface on the website will be considered to be fraud. Lastly, the use of the personal script or any methods aiming to bypass the initial and prescribed use of the game described in this document will also be considered fraud and will lead to the automatic elimination of the participants.
Article 9: Implementation of conditions

From the start date of the game, the latter will be subject to this document’s conditions. The conditions are available for free to any participants who would make such a request to the Organizer at the following address: http://bit.ly/Laurastar-Contest
Article 10: Personal Data

It is reminded that to participate to this game, players must provide some personal data concerning them (name, address…etc.). This information will be saved in a document and is necessary to validate participation, and to attribute and send prices. This information is thus in the hand of the Organizer, and will be shared to any service provider taking care of the shipment of the price. In participating to the game, the player will be able to request his or her registration by email. The data sent by email will also be used in the same legal frame.
Article 11: Dispute

The winners will be notified personally. Any juridical resort is excluded.
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Termes & conditions

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