Règlement du jeu-concours Hummel n°277606 Lot principal gagné : 2 lots d'1 an de produit Hummel au choix (1 600 €).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

Terms and Conditions
By signing up to the hummel newsletter, you have the chance to win a year’s supply of hummel.
A winner will be drawn two times every year – one in the spring and one in the fall, and the winners can select hummel items shown on hummel.net worth 1600 EUR.
We cannot guarantee that all selected products are on stock all year, so, in collaboration with the winners, we at hummel will find good alternative products. The prize cannot be exchanged for a voucher or cash.
The winners are contacted directly via the e-mail, which they signed up for the hummel newsletter with. If we do not here back from a winner within 7 days, the prize is considered forfeited. Everybody, regardless of nationality, who has signed up for the newsletter, have a chance to win. Employees at hummel cannot win the prize.