Règlement du jeu-concours Habitium n°385091 1 robinet de lavabo Imex (73 €).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

Here you can read the terms and conditions to participate in the giveaway of a wash-basin tap.
The giveaway begins on June 3 and ends on July 2 at 11:59 pm. After the giveaway has ended, we will announce the winner the next business day with a post on our Instagram and Facebook pages. The winner must contact us by private message to collect the prize.
You can participate in the giveaway on Instagram and/or Facebook.
How to participate:
· Follow us / Like our pages on Instagram or Facebook:
· Like the giveaway post.
· Mention 3 people in the comments.
Giveaway terms and conditions (they are the same for both platforms):
· Only one entry per person.
· You must follow Habitium on Instagram and/or Facebook and meet the conditions specified above.
· Entries received after 11:59 pm on July 2, will not be considered.
· Habitium reserves the right to not award a prize.
· Habitium is not responsible for delays, losses, claims, thefts or any other circumstances attributable to third parties that may affect this giveaway.
· The prize will only be sent to metropolitan France, continental Portugal and peninsular Italy. In other areas Habitium will not be responsible for shipping.
· The interpretation and fulfillment of these terms and conditions will be governed by Spanish law.
· The terms and conditions for this giveaway are available to any person wishing to consult them and, by pressing the “like” button, the participants imply their acceptance of these legal conditions.