Règlement du jeu-concours Gazprom n°352845 Lot principal gagné : 1 séjour de 2 nuits à Gelsenkirchen (Allemagne) avec 2 places pour le match de 1/8 de finale de Champions League FC Schalke O4/Manchester City le 20/02 + 1 visite du stade et l'accès à l'entrainement (≈500 €).

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Conditions of participation in the "GAZPROM Football Experience" competition
(1) On behalf of the GAZPROM public company (GAZPROM) - official sponsor of the UEFA Champions League - GAZPROM Germania GmbH (hereinafter GAZPROM Germania) is organising the “GAZPROM Football Experience” ticket competition. In this context, GAZPROM Germania is the organiser of the competition.

(2) Participation in the "GAZPROM Football Experience" competition is free and voluntary. Furthermore, participation is not dependent upon the purchase of a product or a service or the ordering of a newsletter. Participation is open to all natural persons who have reached the age of 18 at the st

art of the respective round of the competition. Employees of GAZPROM Germania and the GAZPROM Group, and persons entrusted with running the competition and their dependents, are excluded from participation. A one-time free registration at www.gazprom-football.com is required to participate in the competition. Only one account per person may be opened. Participation is only possible in your own name. Each participant is allowed to participate in the "GAZPROM Football Experience" competition only once in each round of the competition. Participation via a competition service provider is excluded. Only independent registrations are allowed. With the registration it is confirmed that the information provided is truthful, up-to-date and complete, and these terms and conditions for the "GAZPROM Football Experience" competition and the respectively applicable general terms of use (https://www.gazprom-football.com/en/nutzungsbedingungen.htm) and data protection guidelines (https://www.gazprom-football.com/en/datenschutz.htm) of www.gazprom-football.com are accepted.

(3) The registration (of the account) must be confirmed by the participant by clicking on a verification link in an email. If email confirmations are undeliverable, the registration will be invalid. GAZPROM Germania will not be liable for email confirmations which are not received, are sent by mistake, are "undeliverable", or cannot be provided for any other reasons.

(4) Participation in the individual rounds of the "GAZPROM Football Experience" competition is possible up to the date of the respectively published participation. In order to meet the deadline the receipt of the submission will be determined by GAZPROM Germania. GAZPROM Germania accepts no liability for technical faults involved with the participation.

(5) As part of the "GAZPROM Football Experience" competition a draw will be made regarding the participation in a stadium tour (GAZPROM Energy Tour) for UEFA Champions League games selected by GAZPROM Germania in the 2017/18 season, and if carried out by the club and UEFA, attendance at the final pre-match training of the visiting team one day before the day of the match, in addition to entrance tickets for the following match day (winner). The total number of seats available for the stadium tour and related tickets for the following match day will be announced on (link to the GWS section of the website) and may vary from round to round of the competition. For each round of the competition, two places can be won for the stadium tour and two tickets for the following match day (participant in the competition plus one accompanying person per participant). If any person accompanying the participant in the competition for the event has not reached the age of 18, the participant in the competition must either be the legal guardian or submit written consent from the legal guardian. The entrance ticket does not entitle you to entry to a hospitality area, and may vary according to the category from round to round of the competition.

(6) In order to participate in the "GAZPROM Football Experience" competition, a participant must correctly answer all the quiz questions on (https://www.gazprom-football.com/en/experience/). Following that, the participant must either log on with his own existing account or register a new account. With this the participant will automatically complete a "provisional virtual accreditation", which is not an official UEFA accreditation for the venue, but only a part of the online promotion. GAZPROM Germania will reserve the right to remove from participation in the competition any accreditations with vulgar, racist, violent, defamatory, ambush marketing or otherwise inappropriate formulations, or those which are indicative of any other conduct possibly deemed to be illegal.

(7) In addition, all participants in the competition will have the option to share their preliminary virtual accreditation via one of their social media channels (Facebook and Twitter). To this end share buttons are available to all participants. The sharing of the virtual accreditation via the social media channels will have no influence upon the winning chances of the participant.

It will be clear to the participant that the competition is not in any way sponsored, supported, or organised by, or otherwise associated with, any of the social media channels. All information regarding the participant, which he will provide for the competition, will be made available solely to GAZPROM Germania and not to the social media channels. All questions or comments should therefore always be addressed directly to GAZPROM Germania. Should a participant be of the opinion that he has incurred any claims within the framework of the competition, he will be required to make a claim exclusively against GAZPROM Germania; any claim against GAZPROM and/or other companies in the GAZPROM Group will be rejected.

(8) GAZPROM Germania reserves the right to exclude persons from the participation who gain advantages through manipulation and/or by otherwise behaving inappropriately or in breach of the law as stated in paragraph 7. In such cases, any win may also be retrospectively disallowed or subsequently disqualified, and a replacement winner may be drawn. Furthermore, GAZPROM Germania reserves the right to terminate or interrupt the competition at any time, in particular in the event of a disruption or impediment to the scheduled performance.

(9) The draw will decide the winner. This draw will take place in camera.

(10) The winners of the "GAZPROM Football Experience" competition will be notified by email or by telephone. GAZPROM Germania assumes no liability in the case of non-delivery of emails containing any notification regarding winning. The winners will receive the entrance tickets handed over at the appropriate venue or they will be deposited at the stadium. GAZPROM Germania reserves the right to send the tickets to the address specified in the profile by the participants in their registration or at the time of their participation. The entrance tickets will then be delivered by courier service. The dispatch and the further processing of the prizes will be carried out by the GAZPROM Germania appointed agency Lagardère PLUS GmbH. GAZPROM Germania accepts no liability for erroneous or incorrect information and a resulting non-delivery of the prize, or any other errors in the delivery. In this case any prize claim will expire.

(11) For security reasons, personal data files must be provided for all participants. Which data is affected can vary according to the individual activation, and will be communicated separately prior to each activation. The participant agrees to provide the relevant data and agrees for that to be disclosed to third parties (such as local authorities, UEFA, stadium operators).

(12) There are separate regulations for visiting a UEFA Champions League game in Italy. Winners for games held in Italy are reminded of the fact that, due to national legal provisions, additional data for the Italian authorities (first and last name, passport number, date of birth, place of birth, nationality) must be provided. Before the stadium visit, every ticket owner must write his name on the ticket with a permanent marker. GAZPROM Germania may contact the winners in order to receive this data by telephone or by email before sending the prize. If not all the required data is made available by the winner and the respective accompanying person in due time, any entitlement to the access and the tickets won will no longer be applicable.

(13) GAZPROM Germania assumes no liability should the awarding of the prize not be made or be postponed due to force majeure, or if the award is cancelled for any other reason. Prize claims are not transferable. In addition to the access to the stadium tour, the public part of the final training session of the visiting team (if applicable) and the tickets for the following match day, GAZPROM Germania will provide the nights in a selected hotel from the day before the respective UEFA Champions League game (MD-1) until the day after the UEFA Champions League game (MD + 1) and the transfer from the hotel to the stadium tour and the final training session. The winner must himself pay for the journey to and from the match venue, the transfer to the stadium on the match day, as well as any other costs. GAZPROM Germania assumes no liability for the arrival and departure at the respective venues.

(14) Throughout all the activities at the stadium on the day before the corresponding UEFA Champions League match (MD-1), such as for example the "Energy Stadium Tour", the press conference, and the final training session (if applicable), it is not permitted to wear the club clothing of a sports team (e.g., shirts), or items of clothing with prominent branding (e.g., brand symbols of sporting goods manufacturers which are not official UEFA Champions League partners). Furthermore, all participants in the "Energy Stadium Tour" must be in good physical shape.

(15) Should participants be allowed by UEFA to attend an official press conference as part of the GAZPROM Football Experience, active participation at this (such as asking questions) is not allowed.

(16) Participants are prohibited from making film recordings or from taking photographs within the "Technical Zone" (such as the player's tunnel, dressing room) throughout the entire stadium area on the day before the relevant UEFA Champions League match (MD-1). Furthermore, it is prohibited at any time to ask players or club officials for photos or autographs.

(17) The instructions of UEFA employees, TEAM Marketing, GAZPROM Germania, PAO GAZPROM, Lagardère PLUS, the stadium, the club or any other officials with authority must be obeyed. In case of violation of the instructions and points (14) - (16) above, UEFA reserves the right to cancel, partially or completely, the event or the participation of the winner in the event

(18) The organisers’ decision is final. A cash payment, renewal, modification or exchange of the winnings is not possible. A resale or an auction of the prize and prize sharing is excluded.

(19) After handing out the entrance tickets to the respective winners (in particular either their transfer to the courier service or handing them over at the appropriate venue, dropping them off at the stadium or similar) GAZPROM Germania will be exempted from any further obligation. To the extent permitted by law GAZPROM Germania will not be liable for any shortcomings regarding the prize nor for any unpunctual delivery of the prize.

(20) UEFA has been informed about the competition. GAZPROM Germania is responsible for the competition. GAZPROM Germania reserves the right to change or extend these terms and conditions at any time. In this case, the participants will be informed of any changes and will be able to decide whether they wish to continue participating in the competition under the new conditions. The relevant contractual language of these terms and conditions is German. Translations of this agreement are for information purposes only. In case of inconsistencies or interpretation differences between the German version of the conditions of participation and any translations, the German version and its interpretation will prevail. The competition is subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Data protection

GAZPROM Germania collects, processes and uses all personally identifiable information communicated to GAZPROM Germania within the scope of this competition as defined by the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz), always in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. For more information on GAZPROM Germania's data protection policy, please refer to GAZPROM Germania's data protection declaration (https://www.gazprom-germania.de/en/data-protection.html). Your data will be kept strictly confidential. All data entered will not be disclosed to third parties. The GAZPROM Germania agency responsible for running the competition, Lagardère PLUS GmbH, is not a third party under these terms of participation. You have the legal right to free information about the personal data stored by GAZPROM Germania about you, as well as that to correct, block or delete this personal data. In order to exercise your rights as stated, please contact us at: info@gazprom-football.com. All user email addresses are automatically encrypted, so that they cannot be read by email search programs and hence possibly included in spam email lists.

The organiser is entitled to store data for the purpose of this competition. This may be used to announce the winners (name, place of residence, photo, if applicable) on all GAZPROM Germania communication channels and for mailing the organiser's reminders to other winners. The participant declares his agreement with the use of his data on the GAZPROM Football Experience on www.gazprom-football.com as well as on the social media channels of GAZPROM Football (www.facebook.com/GAZPROMfootball, www.twitter.com/GAZPROMfootball, www.instagram.com/GAZPROMfootball). The photo provided to GAZPROM Germania by the winners may be used by GAZPROM Germania in the aforementioned channels. The data protection guidelines of this site apply accordingly. Winners may revoke their consent by sending an email to info@gazprom-football.com at any time.

The applicable general data protection provisions of this website apply to the registration mechanism. For deletion of the account, simply send an email to: info@gazprom-football.com. In the event of a deletion request before the end of the action, the deletion request will result in the termination of the participation in the contest. The organiser is not liable for the loss of the data. The user is also in agreement with this. The email address of the participants will in no case be passed on to third parties. A consent to the receipt of emails may be revoked at any time by the user. To this end simply send an email to: info@gazprom-football.com.

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