Règlement du jeu-concours CampZone n°224108 Lot principal gagné : 1 PC avec 1 écran + 1 système de son + 1 fauteuil "gamer" + 1 casque/micro + 1 clavier + 1 souris + des jeux (≈1 500 €).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

1) The prize can only be sent to an address within the European Union.
2) The winner will be contacted by email on September the 3rd, 2014.
3) This contest is open until September the 3rd, 7.30 AM (CEST).
4) The one closest to the answer of the last question will win this contest.
5) After the contest, you will receive two emails from CampZone. One regarding this contest and one regarding a next contest.
6) The winner will be published at the CampZone website and perhaps some other web pages with his/her name and photo.
7) One entry per person.