Règlement du jeu-concours Blue Tomato n°166925 Lot principal gagné : (Jeu Facebook) 50 bons d'achat de 20 euros.

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

Eligibility requirements and data privacy statement:
The Blue Tomato Winter Games raffle is executed by Snowboard Dachstein Tauern GmbH, Hochstraße 628, 8970 Schladming, Austria, hereafter called "Blue Tomato". By participating in the raffle, the participants accept the following eligibility requirements:

Data privacy:
The participants agree with Blue Tomato collecting all the necessary information, that are required to execute and process the raffle, and saving it until the completion of the raffle. All information are handled confidentially and are not forwarded to third parties. When the raffle is completed, the data will be deleted. Every participant has the right to revoke the saving of his data via email to socialmedia@blue-tomato.com. The participant will then not participate in the raffle.

The beforementioned raffle starts on Monday, the 22nd of October and ends on Sunday, the 4th of November 2012. Only participations that are submitted between those two dates are valid. Only participants that submitted their participation through this very application and filled out the form completely, are eligible for winning.
Users that participate in another way than the application above (i.e. via email or a post on the facebook page) can not be considered for the prize-giving. Blue Tomato can not be held responsible for losses, damages, errors or failures in the data transfer, for troubles or breakdowns of technical facilities, for wrong content, loss or deletion of data or virusses.
The winners will be chosen bei chance on the 6th of November. Valid for winning are only those participants, that filled out the form completely, independently, correctly, understandingly and possess a actual person's profile on Facebook.
50 Blue Tomato vouchercodes each worth 20€ (minimum order value: 20€) will be distributed among all participants who fill out the form completely. Among all participants that get 3 other people to sign up for the giveaway through the supplied link, Blue Tomato will raffle the beforementioned Weekend-package, the beforementioned Freeride-package, the beforementioned Goggle and a 300€ voucher for the Blue Tomato online shop. The prizes are not transferable nor can they be redeemed for money.
Blue Tomato is not to be held responsible for any loss caused by or to the winners and their companion.
Eligible to participate are all women and men older than 12 years.
Employees of Blue Tomato are excluded from the participation. Also excluded are relatives of first and second degrees and employees' partners. Blue Tomato is eligible to exclude particular persons from participation, if justifiable causes, especially breaches of eligibility requirements, manipulation or similar, exist.

Blue Tomato reserves the right to abort the application for important reason. Important reason include but are not limited to technical or legal reasons that prevent the raffle to be executed or processed accordingly. Recourse to the courts is not permitted.