Règlement du jeu-concours Benetton n°101788 Lot principal gagné : (Jeu en anglais) Pour les gagnants : 20 contrats de mannequinat avec 1 voyage à New-York pour 2 personnes. Pour les finalistes : 100 bons d'achat "Benetton" de 200 euros..

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

Terms and Conditions of the competition �IT'S MY TIME�

Bencom s.r.l., (hereinafter the �Promoter�) sole shareholder company co-ordinated and managed by Benetton Group S.p.A. is organizing a competition for models called �IT'S MY TIME� hereinafter �Competition�) with which the Promoter intends seeking twenty new faces and giving them the opportunity of being part of the United Colors of Benetton 2010 autumn/winter campaign.

The Competition intends being a global representation of style, an interactive search for new faces, new looks, new ways of being that fully convey the values of the United Colors of Benetton brand.

The competition will be held from 8 February 2010 to 18 March 2010.�

1. Requirements for taking part in the competition

a. The Competition is without restrictions, free of charge and open to everyone irrespective of sex, citizenship and age, although entrants must be at least 14 years at the time of registration.

b. The Promoter may request competitors (hereinafter �Entrants) to provide a valid document proving their identity and age. Entrants will be disqualified from the Competition should they prove to be less than 14 years of age and/or provide false information.

c. Entrants may not be bound by an exclusive modelling contract at the time of registration for the Competition or at any time thereafter for the whole duration of the Competition.

d. Employees or consultants (or members of the family or households of such employees or consultants)or agents of the Promoter or of subsidiary or associated (whether directly or indirectly) companies of Benetton Group S.p.A. or other persons in any way involved in the Competition are not eligible to enter the Competition.

2. Registration

a) Entries for the Competition will only be accepted between 8 February 2010 and 16 March 2010(hereinafter �Period�). Any registrations that arrive before or after the Period will not be taken into consideration or even assessed.

b) To enter the Competition, Entrants must register on the Competition website www.benetton.com/casting. Entrants must fill in and submit the on-line entry form, accepting these terms and conditions and giving all the necessary consents.

c) To enter the Competition it is also necessary for at least one photo (full length or just headshot photograph) and/or a video to be loaded on your profile. The Promoter in any case recommends that you load at least two photos on your profile, one headshot and one full length photograph, and your own video.

d) In addition to the Entrants in the Competition, also simple visitors to the website may vote by simply registering and leaving their e-mail address to receive the password.

e) Whoever wishes to do so may go to certain indicated United Colors of Benetton brand stores, where they can have a photo taken or a video made for the purpose of participating in the Competition. At the time of the photo shoots, entrants will sign a release form that will authorise the Promoter to publish the same on the website and on all and any communication materials linked to the Competition. By signing the release form the Entrant declares that he/she waives any consideration that could result from the publication and use of the pictures and also declares that he/she has nothing whatsoever to claim from the Promoter either in the present or the future for the publications and use as stated above. At the time of signing the release form, the Entrant will be provided with a digital medium with the pictures or the videos that have been taken and which may be used by the same Entrant to register for the Competition at the relative PC stations set up at the store. If it is impossible to use the PC stations due to lack of sufficient band or too many persons, the pictures may be uploaded by way of exception directly by the Promoter�s staff upon request by the Entrant.

3. Competition formalities�

a) Each Entrant may upload onto the Competition website his/her own videos and photographs, which must have been taken no more than six months prior to registration. It is not permitted to submit photographs of another person. Submitted photographs and videos must not have been enhanced or altered by any means.

b) Each Entrant may make only one entry to the Competition.

c) Entrants must be legally authorised to upload the pictures onto the website and the person in the picture shall declare as such if adult, or if under the age of 18 shall obtain the written consent of their parent or guardian.

d) By uploading the photographs and the videos onto the website in conformity with all that is provided for under these rules and with the instructions given in the Competition website, the Entrant confirms that he/she holds all the rights, included by way of example but not limited thereto, copyright, relating to the submitted material.

e) More specifically, with regard to Entrants aged between 14 and 18, the parent or guardian shall leave their e-mail address in which they�ll receive a message with a request of consent in order to allow the participation of the minor. Moreover, parent or guardian shall fill in, sign and send (via e-mail, fax or ordinary mail) to the Promoter the relative consent, which can be unloaded from the Competition website. Whenever the consent does not reach the Promoter or the address indicated for such purpose within thirty days after registration in the Competition, the Entrant will be excluded from taking part in the Competition.

f) The Promoter cannot accept responsibility for any entries that are lost, damaged or incomplete.

g) All submitted material will be kept by the Promoter and will become the property of the same Promoter, who from that moment on will be free to use the aforesaid material regardless of whether or not the Entrant is selected as a Finalist or Winner. The Promoter may also use the submitted material, should the occasion arise, within the scope of advertising, commercial or communication activities connected with the Competition. With the acceptance of these terms and conditions, Entrants waive all intellectual property rights relating to the submitted material.

h) The Promoter will not take into consideration and will, at its discretion, disqualify the Entrant who submits material that the Promoter considers as not in conformity with socially accepted moral standards or that it in any case considers as improper, offensive or obscene. The Promoter will inform the competent authorities accordingly whenever deemed necessary.

i) Likewise the Promoter reserves the right to eliminate from the Competition website material that could be offensive and in bad taste, which could harm the reputation of other persons or which contains elements for commercial purposes or which could be considered in any way advertisements (such as: images that are vulgar or not in line with the aims of the Competition, that show registered trademarks or infringe intellectual property rights, or whenever the images portray a person other than the registered Entrant or in the case of images that have been digitally touched up).

j) The Promoter also reserves the right to remove from the Competition website any contents submitted by the Entrant in clear contrast with the spirit of the initiative, and which is discriminatory on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, personal and social conditions, race, nationality, political opinions, religion or which in any case could harm third parties.

k) Each profile may be voted both by others who have entered the Competition (the Entrants) and by registered users who are not taking part in the Competition.

l) Each registered user and each Entrant may vote twenty profiles each day. The same profile can receive just one vote from the same registered user or Entrant in the same day. The Entrant cannot vote his/her own profile, but can only receive the votes of other registered users or Entrants.

m) The selection will take place in two stages.

a. In the first round the entries will be assessed by the Internet public, who may vote for the best profiles uploaded by the Entrants.� The first one hundred top votes by the Internet public (the �Finalists�) will not only receive the prize indicated in point 4, but will be short-listed for the second stage of selection. For this purpose a special software program with a counter will keep an exact record of all the votes received by the closing day of voting.

b. In the second stage of selection a jury, consisting of leading professionals from the world of advertising, photography and communications, will select the twenty winning Finalists (the �Winners�). In judging the photographs and videos submitted by the Entrants, the criteria used by the judges will take into account, by way of example but not limited thereto, the style�s personality, skill in expression of new tendencies,� presence and consistency with the brand image.� The decisions of the jury are final.

n) The Winners selected by the jury will be informed within 24 hours from the announcement of the same which will be published on the Competition website. An identity document could be requested.

o) If a Winner cannot be traced or fails to reply, ensuring his/her availability, within three working days after the communication, or in the case in which the communication is returned to sender or is undeliverable, this Winner will lose all and every right to the prize. In this case the Promoter reserves the right to be able to select another Winner.

p) Likewise in the case in which a Finalist cannot be traced or fails to reply within three working days from the communication by the Promoter, or in the case in which the communication is returned to sender or is undeliverable, this Finalist will lose all and every right to the prize and the Promoter may announce the next classified Entrant as Finalist.

q) When an Entrant is chosen as Winner, he/she will be responsible for ensuring the he/she is available for any other promotional activity upon request by the Promoter, included by way of example but not limited thereto, visits to stores, photographic sessions, interviews and any other promotional activity that the Promoter shall deem reasonable.

r) All and any expenses incurred in relation to the Competition are the responsibility of the Entrants, except for whatsoever is carried out upon request by the Promoter.

s) All Entrants must possess a valid passport and must be able to travel abroad and go to Italy and the USA.

t) Whenever chosen as a Winner, Entrants must personally make all the necessary arrangements and agreements with any employers, employees and other persons concerning absences in relation to commitments previously undertaken. To this end, by accepting these Competition rules, Entrants declare that they are willing to take part in the new Benetton communication campaign, which will be held during the last two weeks of March and the first two of April 2010.

u) With the presentation of their entry, Entrants: (a) acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions; (b) accept to be inserted in the Promoter�s database and to be informed of any future promotional activities by the latter; and (c) consent to the processing of their personal data as stated in point 5.

v) Failure or delay to exercise a right envisaged under these terms and conditions will not constitute waiver by the Promoter of that right or any other right allowed by law.

w) The Promoter reserves the right to suspend, cancel or change this Competition at any time (and for any legitimate reason whatsoever) without notice.

x) By entering the Competition, the Entrant accepts to indemnify and hold the Promoter, its associates and respective partners harmless from and against any liability, loss, damage, rights, claims or other reasons for legal action of any type whatsoever, deriving (in whole or in part), directly or indirectly, from the acceptance, possession or use, whether lawful or otherwise, of any prize received in relation to the Competition. For the purpose of the interpretation of these rules, the preceding sentence in no way limits the liability of the Promoter in the event of damage or injury due to fault or wilful deceit of the Promoter.

y) The Competition is governed by Italian law. The interpretation and application of these rules are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Treviso.

4. Prizes and announcement of the Finalists and the Winners

a) Each of the one hundred Finalists will receive a supply of �United Colors of Benetton� branded clothing for a commercial value of Euro 200.00. Each individual Finalist will be contacted to agree on the methods of delivery of the prize.

b) The Winners will be offered a modelling contract for one season with a model agency (the �Modelling Contract�) for the purpose of producing the new Benetton advertising campaign. There is also the offer of a trip to New York(USA), accompanied by a person chosen by the Winner, inclusive of four nights accommodation in a hotel with board included, return flights in economy class and transfers from and to the airport. The accommodation offered to the Winner consists of a double room for the Winner and accompanying person. The Winner is entirely responsible for ensuring that he/she and his/her travel companion possess suitable travel documents (passport, visas) and the necessary health and insurance cover.

c) The Competition prizes are non-transferable. Prizes in cash or other alternative prizes are not available.

d) On March 17th will be announced the Finalists. The Winners will be announced the day after (18 March 2010).

e) The prizes will be awarded in the presence of a Notary or a Chamber of Commerce Official,responsible for protecting consumers and innocent purchasers, in accordance with section 9 of Italian Presidential Decree 430/2001.�

5. Processing of personal data - Privacy Policy pursuant to section 13 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003:

Entrants and registered users taking part in this Competition consent to the personal data they provide being processed by the Promoter in connection with their participation in the initiative, in accordance with current data protection legislation (Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003).

The data of Entrants and registered users will be needed for participation and voting in respect of the Competition and will be inserted in a special database of the Promoter (the data controller). To consult your data, have them changed or object to their use or in any way exercise the rights as set forth in section 7 of the data protection law, Entrants and registered users may contact Bencom srl, via Villa Minelli 1, 31020 Ponzano Veneto TV).�

6. Prize jackpot

For the purpose of section 7 of Italian Presidential Decree 430/2001, it is hereby declared that the total value of the promised prizes is equal to EURO 110,000.00 (inclusive of VAT).�

7. Participation without charge - disputes

Participation in the competition is free of charge, except for the cost of the Internet link-up, which in any case creates no income for the Promoter.

By accepting to take part in the competition, the competitor acknowledges that the Promoter accepts no responsibility for problems of access, impediment, malfunction or difficulties regarding technical instruments, computer equipment, cables, the electronics, software or hardware, transmission and connection, telephone lines, which could prevent a competitor from taking part in the competition.

The competitor also acknowledges that he/she is aware of the normal risk inherent to every prize competition and declares that he/she accepts without reservation the judgement of the Internet public for the selection of the Finalists and the discretional final judgement of the technical jury that will choose the twenty Winners.�

8. Publication of the rules and of the competition

The full rules will be available to Entrants on the website www.benetton.com/casting and the advertising message will be in conformity with all that is stated in these rules.�

9. Guarantees and fulfilments

This Prize Competition is carried out in compliance with Italian Presidential Decree No. 430 of 26 October 2001 and in accordance with the instructions given in the circular letter of 28 March No. 1/AMTC of the Ministry of Economic Development formerly the Ministry of Productive Activities.�

10. Recoupment

The Promoter declares that it waives the faculty of recouping from Winners the amounts paid in its capacity as withholding agent for the personal income tax withholding, as set forth in section 30 of Italian Presidential Decree No. 600 dated 29 September 1973.�

11. Non-profit institutions

Unclaimed prizes or prizes not awarded will be given to the Non-profit making organization Save The Children Italia Onlus � Via Volturno 58 � 00185 Roma.

Gagnez un voyage en Corse pour 2 personnes

Gagnez un voyage en Corse d'une valeur de 1500 € en répondant à 2 questions.
Les réponses :
1 ► Tino Rossi.
2 ► Dans la cathédrale Santa Maria Assunta.