Règlement du jeu-concours American Tourister n°310243 Lot principal gagné : 1 séjour pour 2 personnes (≈400 €).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu


INTRODUCTION: SAMSONITE EUROPE N.V., Westerring 17, 9700 Oudenaarde, Belgium (hereafter “AMERICAN TOURISTER”), is organizing the AMERICAN TOURISTER ‘Mystery Citytrip List’ Contest, hereafter “the Contest”, as described in these terms and conditions.

ELIGIBILITY: No purchase is necessary. The Contest is open to all residents of the following countries, that have obtained the legal age, hereafter “The Participant(s)”:

Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South-Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.

Directors, officers, management, employees, other staff, agents, distributors and wholesale customers of AMERICAN TOURISTER and family members thereof or any of its affiliated companies or any other persons involved in the making of this Contest are not eligible to enter this Contest. Any participation not complying with these terms and conditions is invalid. AMERICAN TOURISTER explicitly reserves the right to refuse or remove a Participant, at its sole discretion, in the event AMERICAN TOURISTER determines a Participant does not comply with all rules and regulations as contained herein. It is not the responsibility of AMERICAN TOURISTER to ensure that the Contest participation requirements and use of personal information do not contravene the laws and regulations of any country of residency of participation, where it is being received or viewed. For the aforementioned reason, all responsibilities relating to the participations to the Contest will be borne by the Participants who, it is understood, participate under their own responsibility and risk. In the event that any misfortune or damage should be experienced on the side of the Participant(s), AMERICAN TOURISTER will not be responsible.

TIMING: The Contest is open from 5 May 2017 AT 10 a.m. until 29 June 2017 at 05:00 p.m. CET (hereafter “the Contest Period”). Participation is only valid during the Contest Period.

HOW TO PARTICIPATE: The Participants can enter the Contest on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/americantourister.eu)

To enter the Contest, the Participant must accept the Contest’s terms and conditions and click on the ‘Participate’ button.
During the Contest Period, the participants needs to tag his travel partner in the comments section of our related Facebook-posts and needs to fill in all his/her personal details.
Once the Participant has filled in all the required fields, he/she will have the possibility to share the Contest on his/her Facebook wall. Participants can’t win more than 1 prize during the Contest Period.
The selection of the winner will happen via an at random drawing system.

WINNER NOTIFICATION: AMERICAN TOURISTER will announce the winner of the week every Tuesday at 5 pm during the Contest Period. AMERICAN TOURISTER reserves the right to contact the winners via phone, e-mail, Facebook & website. The winner will be advised by e-mail sent to the e-mail address given when participate to the Contest. Any change in e-mail/physical address may be sent to info@americantourister.com. If, having determined the winner, doubts appear over the accuracy of contact details provided by the winner; AMERICAN TOURISTER reserves the right to ask a copy of the passport/identity card in order to validate the allocation of the price once and for all. The winner should confirm that he accepts the prize and the conditions for allocating the prize. He should supply his full contact details (name, first name, phone, e-mail and postal addresses). Failure to confirm acceptance of the prize and to provide the required information will result in the winner losing the right to claim the prize and its reallocation to a new winner. Upon prize forfeiture, no payment or other compensation will be made to the original potential winner. The announcement date may be delayed due to unexpected circumstances. Decisions made by AMERICAN TOURISTER are final on all matters relating to the Contest. AMERICAN TOURISTER will not discuss the Contest results and will not respond to any requests for comments on this subject.

PRIZES: AMERICAN TOURISTER will announce the winner of the week every Tuesday at 5 pm during the Contest Period, among all eligible Participants received to win a prize based on the following criteria: tag your travel partner in the comments of the dedicated American Tourister Facebook-posts and fill in your personal data in the form. The selection of the winner will happen via an at random drawing system

The prizes cannot be returned and cannot be taken as cash. Each prize is awarded “as is”, without warranty regarding the underlying services of performance. AMERICAN TOURISTER is not responsible for direct or indirect damages that occur as the result of the use or loss of the prize, regardless of cause. AMERICAN TOURISTER reserves the right to substitute the prize with a prize of an equivalent value should the prize become unavailable for any reason. Only the owner of the Facebook account or e-mail address will receive a prize.

Contest Prize (for each winner, 8 in total): citytrip to a destination selected by American Tourister for the winner and 1 friend, including flights, hotel accommodation with breakfast and a Soundbox or Bon Air Spinner 55 suitcase each.


Participants accept that:

The participation to the Contest must be fully complete and in accordance with the Contest’s terms and conditions (The Participants have to fill in all the required fields) and received before the end of the Contest Period to be eligible for the prize drawings.
Use of computer programs and/or other automated devices to enter the Contest is prohibited.
AMERICAN TOURISTER’s decisions as to the administration and operation of the Contest and the selection of the potentials winners are final and binding in all matters related to the Contest and is not open for discussion with AMERICAN TOURISTER.
At the time of participation, Participants are deemed to have read, understood and be in agreement with the Terms and Conditions of the Contest. If they do not agree with them, they should not proceed with the Contest. By continuing to participate in this Contest, they agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
AMERICAN TOURISTER retains the right to exclude Participants from participating in the Contest and to delete participations from www.facebook.com/americantourister.eu, if these are not in line with these terms and conditions.
Participants are also advised that AMERICAN TOURISTER is likely to photograph, record, film and promote the winner under the running of the Contest and mainly when handing over the prize. As such, the winner of the Contest authorises AMERICAN TOURISTER to use his picture, name, first name, civil status and town of residence for one year with effect from the date on which the winner is designated in any medium (mainly on the AMERICAN TOURISTER Internet sites and all forms of social media) as part of promotional or public relations actions relating to the Contest.

FORCE MAJEURE: If for any reason any aspect of this Contest is not capable of running as planned, including by reason of infection by computer virus, telephone network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud technical failures or any cause beyond the control of AMERICAN TOURISTER, AMERICAN TOURISTER reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest, or invalidate any affected participations, subject to the approval of the relevant authorities in Belgium, if required.

DATA PROTECTION/PRIVACY POLICY: The personal data processed for the requirements of the Contest are declared to the Privacy Protection Commission in accordance with the Law of 8 December 1992 on privacy protection with regard to the processing of personal data.
The Participants are advised that their personal data collected under the Contest are necessary to process their participation. This data is intended exclusively for AMERICAN TOURISTER and its subcontractors and service providers for Contest management requirements and for the uses defined below. AMERICAN TOURISTER may ask Participants to give their express consent to receiving of information on AMERICAN TOURISTER products and promotional operations by e-mail. The Participants may exercise their right to access, rectify or challenge the data concerning them by writing to the address of the AMERICAN TOURISTER head office.

JURISDICTION: Legal relationship between AMERICAN TOURISTER and the Participants is governed by the applicable laws of Belgium. Any and all legal actions or claims arising in connection with this Contest must be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction in Belgium.

RELEASE: AMERICAN TOURISTER disclaims any liability for damage to any computer system resulting from participating in, or accessing or downloading information in connection with this Contest, and reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, modify or suspend this Contest should a virus, bug, computer problem, unauthorized intervention or other causes beyond the Organizer’s control, corrupt the administration, security or proper play of this Contest.

By participating in this Contest, Participants agree that no claim shall be asserted against AMERICAN TOURISTER, its affiliates or any of its respective directors, officers, employees or agents in respect of any damages, rights, claims or actions of any kind whatsoever that result from their participation to this Contest and/or acceptance and enjoyment of the prizes.

The Contest is void where prohibited. To the extent permitted by law, the right to litigate, to seek injunctive relief or to make any other recourse to judicial or any other procedure in case of disputes or claims resulting from or in connection with this Contest are hereby excluded and any Participant expressly waives any and all such rights.

AGREEMENT: By entering the Contest Participants agree to abide by all rules.

The Contest terms and conditions are supplied to provide clarity. Please do not hesitate to contact us, via info@americantourister.com, if you have any questions or remarks.

3 nettoyeurs vapeur Polti Vaporetto à gagner

Gagnez l'un des nettoyeurs vapeur Polti Vaporetto d'une valeur de 429€.
Pour participer au tirage au sort, répondez à 3 questions.
Les réponses :
1 ► 1978
2 ► Tous les types de sols
3 ► 15