Règlement du jeu-concours Native Instruments n°155875 Lot principal gagné : (Jeu en anglais) Un lot de 2 pass 3 jours pour le festival "Sonar" à Barcelone (Espagne) du 14 au 16 juin (transport et hébergement inclus).

Voir le descriptif et les réponses du jeu

Terms and Conditions

This lottery is being conducted by the NATIVE INSTRUMENTS Group from May 16 until May 23, 2012. By participating in the lottery, you agree to the terms and conditions.

All personal information is protected by privacy and data protection laws and will not be shared with third parties.

Participants must be 18 years of age or older. Employees of the Native Instruments group are not eligible to participate.

Participants can win a free "Sónar Festival Pass" for themselves plus 1 (one) accompanying person to the Sonar Festival 2012 in Barcelona/Spain, including flights from an airport near the winner’s home (details at Native Instruments choice) and accomodation in Barcelona for 3 (three) nights, in a double room at a hotel of Native Instruments’ choice.

Winners will be notified by email. The winner is required to notify Native Instruments that he/she accepts the prize within 1 (one) week after receiving the notification email. If Native Instruments does not receive notification within this period, the winner forfeits the prize and Native Instruments reserves the right to choose another winner.

A cash payout of the prize is ruled out.

The right of appeal is excluded.

The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply exclusively.

3 séjours d'une semaine dans un chez Homair Vacances 

Tentez de gagner un séjour d'une semaine pour 4 personnes chez Homair Vacances.
Répondez à 2 questions pour participer au tirage au sort.
Réponses :
1 ► 194
2 ► 245